Chapter Four

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Both Caspian and Melioralee were awakened before the sun by someone pounding on the cottage door. Caspian stepped out of his room just in time to see Melioralee pull open the curtains of her make-shift room.

"Gracious me." She said sleepily, slipping her arm through the sleeve of her robe and tying the sash. As she walked to the door, Caspian's eyes darted back to the "room" Melioralee had come from. Through the tattered old blankets, he spotted a cot sprawled out on a narrow cutting table, barely representing a make-shift bed. Feeling a twinge of guilt, Caspian turned and followed Melioralee to the door.

She lifted the bolt cautiously, opening the door just enough to see who was on the other side.

"Aloysius!" she cried out suddenly, throwing the door completely open. Melioralee was immediately scooped up into her brother's arms. "What are you doing here?" she asked; her voice full of relief.

"The war is over Lee, we won. I rode ahead of the company returning to the capitol to see you. I can't stay, we are all on duty until the conditions of surrender are officially signed by all parties."

"How long might that be?"

Aloysius hesitated hearing the anxious tone of his sister's voice.

"There's no way to tell." Caspian answered, stepping forward. "Some surrenders are settled in a matter of days, sometimes it takes weeks."

Melioralee looked back up at her brother with concern in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Lee, I'm confident this will be a speedy process. We won the battle assuredly. Your men fought valiantly, your majesty." Aloysius addressed Caspian.

Caspian offered a nod to the soldier, smiling as he observed the closeness Melioralee and her brother shared.

Aloysius only stayed for a few minutes, but reassured his sister he would return home soon. Caspian stood in the doorway as Melioralee walked her brother to his horse and watched him ride away. When she came back inside, she looked weary and concerned. "You need not worry about his safety now, Melioralee."

She offered a weak smile and replied, "Oh I know that...I'm not worried for his safety now of course, it's just – he's all I have in the world. It's hard watching him leave."

Caspian understood that feeling all too well.

Melioralee pulled a kettle from it's shelf on the wall and began filling it with water. "Would you care for some tea your majes-uh...Caspian?"

Caspian smiled hearing his name and replied, "That would be wonderful, thank you Melioralee."

She turned around quickly, hiding the slight flush on her face. "You're welcome to sit on the front porch and watch the sunrise...I'll have this tea ready shortly."

Caspian followed her suggestion, taking a seat in one of the old, wooden rocking chairs. As he sat, Caspian took in his surroundings. A double story barn sat adjacent to the cottage. In the soft morning light, he could see several chickens, cows and various other farm animals roaming inside the fenced barnyard. The clearing of the homestead was bordered on three sides by woodland and foothills and on the other by the river basin. One could be almost completely absorbed by the peaceful surroundings of the place.

Caspian was soon pulled from his observations as Melioralee joined him on the porch, carrying two tin cups. "Here you are." She smiled, handing Caspian one of the cups. "Thank you." He smiled in return. She lowered herself into the chair next him, resting her head against its back, and started rocking gently back and forth.

A placid silence settled between them as they watched the sun come up over the horizon.

"What is it that haunts you, Caspian?"

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