Chapter Fifteen

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Jasira awakened Melioralee early the next morning, bringing with her a tray of tea and warm pastries.

"His majesty has informed me that your morning schedule includes much riding and walking, so I have set out a uniform that will allow you much freedom of movement for your activities."

"Thank you, Jasira." Melioralee yawned, slipping out of bed. "Have you eaten?"

"No, not yet, I shall do so once you've gone on your way."

"Nonsense. Please, I will never eat all these alone and I'm not needed by the king for several hours still. Tell me, how did you come to work at the palace?"

Jasira sat as Melioralee began pouring a second cup of tea.

"I grew up in Telmar. My father was a soldier...he died in battle against Narnia just two years ago."

"I'm so sorry. That must have been difficult, coming to the point of serving the very kingdom responsible for your father's death?"

"Oh, it was...I was so angry at first. I wanted revenge, let alone serving in their palace."

"What brought you to change your mind?"

"For his second act as king, Caspian began visiting the families who had lost loved ones to the war. His greeting words to me were, 'Your father was a noble warrior and served Telmar well. May his memory be a blessing to you.' I wanted so badly to be angry. The king was, after all, on Narnia's side, but I simply couldn't hold that bitterness against him. So, I listened to what he had to say. By the time he left I felt at peace...and had the promise of a good life in Narnia."

"And has it been?"

"It's been all he'd promised and more. I think of Narnia less a kingdom and more a family. There is something about this land...a unity unlike anything I've ever seen. I loved my father but he was misguided by the lies of those who feared what they could not control. King Caspian gave me a chance at beginning a new legacy, which is far more than I could've ever hoped for."

"That is beautiful, Jasira...thank you for sharing your story with me."

"Oh, happy to! Now, you'll have to share yours with me, but another time. Meanwhile let's get you ready for your day with the king!"

"Very well...after one more pastry." Melioralee winked.


The beautiful morning sun greeted Melioralee with warmth as she stepped out the palace doors. She stopped to soak in the tranquility of her surroundings, ears keyed to the tune of the birds, hair half done up in braids, dancing in tandem with the wind and spirit soaring with the very heart of the land.

"Beau'iful day, innit milady?" a minotaur grinned from across the hedge he was trimming.

"It is indeed! What is your name?"

"Tazyr, your highne – I, uhhh...yeah. I'm Tazyr."

"Lovely to meet you, Tazyr!" Melioralee offered with a smile, mercifully ignoring the slip of Tazyr's tongue.

"Where are you off to this morning? I didn't think you'd be touring the gardens until this evening."

"Oh, no you're correct! My brother and I are spending the morning exploring Narnia with the king. I shall return to tour the gardens before dinner."

The minotaur sighed in relief, "Thank the stars, I'm not done trimmin' the hedges yet!"

With a giggle and goodbye, Melioralee left her new acquaintance to his work, making her way toward the stables.

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