Just you and me

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Chapter 2.

Its been four weeks since Villanelle escaped London with Eve. Four weeks of lust, love, late night conversations and excitement that Eve so clearly enjoyed. They were being hunted and she liked that. If they stayed anywhere for more than a couple of days they'd surely end up dead. Villanelle, a former worker for the twelve knew this better than anyone and what scared her most is that Eve wasn't afraid. It was all just some adventure to Eve, almost like she had forgotten how dangerous it was for her to be on the run with someone like Villanelle. She was in love. So madly in love. This was the life she always secretly wanted.

And that's how it happened. That blind love was the reason Eve died.

Eve lay on the hotel floor, bleeding out with gunshots still ringing in her ears several moments after they had been fired. The twelve had found them. Villanelle screamed. She knew at least a dozen armed agents from the twelve were waiting to kill her next, but she didn't care. "Eve" she screamed out, falling to the floor. The world span uncontrollably and tears, real tears wet her cheeks. She crawled towards her love, who was dying faster now, surely close to her last breath. The world seemed to move in slow motion as she moved towards Eve, reaching out and begging her to stay. "Don't leave me Eve, please. Eve. EVE" She yelled out her voice broken with pain.




Villanelle awoke with the numbness of a slap against her cold, sweating face. Her eyes widened as she saw her curly haired love kneeling over her, her caring eyes bulging with beauty and concern.

"Eve?" her voice croaked. Her hands instinctively reached out, cupping Eve's face and stroking. She was so happy to see her. So happy it wasn't real. "Hey. You scared me, what were you dreaming about?" Eve asked, not wanting to be too pushy. "I.. Eve we have to go, we aren't safe," Villanelle's heart sank as the words escaped her lips. She broke free from the duvet and began to spring up from bed when Eve stopped her. "Villanelle we're okay. It's okay we're safe" Eve said soothingly, grabbing her arm. Villanelle began to talk but Eve cut her off. "We're okay. We leave in the morning."
Those words were music to Villanelle's ears. She began to relax back into the soft, puffy pillows.

"So what were you dreaming about?" Eve asked again. "Oh.. I.. Nothing," Villanelle lied. "Bullshit. You were talking in your sleep."

"I was?" She asked, a little embarrassed now. "Yeah. You kept calling out my name and.. asking me to stay" Eve said, her voice sounding anxious now. She sat beside Villanelle, waiting for her to talk. "Do you still want to be with me Eve?" Villanelle asked, unexpectedly. Eve, taken aback replied with not a yes or no, but "why would you ask me that?"

"Because whenever I sleep I dream about watching you die," Villanelle said, numbly, almost coldly. Eve stared wide eyed at the blonde, not afraid but curious. "You know it's not safe right? Being here, with me." Eve shook her head, took villanelle's hands into hers and told her she didn't care, but Villanelle pulled away clearly unhappy about her answer. "What's wrong?" Eve asked, impatient now. "You know what, Eve? I think this is a mistake. You should go. Go home." Villanelle said plainly. Eve stared for a moment, then laughed, then burst with anger. "Go home? I'm sorry what home do you think I have to go back to? Incase you forgot i left EVERYTHING to be here with you." "I didn't ask you to come with me. I gave you a choice," these words felt like a heavy blow to Eve's chest. "Oh, how generous. You know a little gratitude once in a while wouldn't hurt. I stuck by you after everything."

"So what happens next, huh? You think we're going to ride off into the sunset together? This isn't a fairytale, Eve, the twelve are looking for me. For us." Villanelle said, matching Eve's anger with desperation. "Why are you.. Why are you saying this?" It broke Villanelle to see Eve getting upset. She didn't realise she sounded like an ass. She just wanted to protect Eve. "Because I want you to be safe, Eve. If they find us they won't just kill me, they'll kill you too." She turned away from Eve now, holding back tears.

"That's a risk i'm willing to take" Eve said confidently, kneeling down in front of villanelle. She gently wiped away her tears from her cheeks. "How can you still be here? How can you still want to be with me?" Villanelle asked, the innocence in her voice both adorable and heartbreaking. "I don't know, baby. I just do." Eve said soothingly, taking Villanelle's hands into hers. This time she didn't object. "I don't want to lose you Eve I.. I can't lose you-" her lips trembled and she broke down into a never ending stream of tears. Eve sat on the bed beside her and embraced her, breaking her own heart as she heard her love sob. She held onto her so tightly, wishing she could take away her pain. "You're not going to lose me." Eve whispered into her ear. "You promise?" Villanelle whispered back through her sobs. "I promise."

"It's just you and me. Just you and me.."

These words lingered in Villanelle's head until she finally fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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