Power of the Force

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To most Jedi now, it was a normal day. They strolled through the Temple, either Inside the Jedi Temple, Kcaj rested in his personal dorm, taking time to meditate after some learning at the library-like structure of the Jedi Archives room. While he meditated, he was interrupted by a chime from the doorbell. "You may enter." Kcaj slightly yelled, to make sure the guest heard him, as he got up. He faced the door as it opened to reveal Pablo-Jill, who greeted Kcaj. "What's the problem, Jill?" Kcaj asked after sensing something was amiss. "Obi-Wan Kenobi, his apprentice Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala have all been captured by Count Dooku on Geonosis. Windu has asked hundreds of Jedi for their help in this mission, so I came to see if you wanted to join us." Pablo briefly explained. Kcaj took some time to think until replying, "I'm afraid not this time. I've been wanting to learn more on the force recently, and I only just now started." Pablo felt bad that his friend wasn't coming along, but also understood his best friend's reasoning. "Just promise me you'll come back in one piece, Jill." Kcaj then added before Pablo left after both bowed to one another. After Pablo's departure with 211 other Jedi to Geonosis, Kcaj roamed the Temple hallways. He headed to the archives for some personal studying before returning back to his personal dorm. On the way, he noticed many of the Jedi younglings cowering from the lipless Knight as he walked by. This wasn't anything too new to him, but it was growing rapidly and Kcaj knew he had to act. Kcaj had once been teased for this, but he learned to overlook it, however, he knew he had to fix this. He wondered if there was any way to create skin, tissue, and cells. With this at mind, Kcaj entered a meditation stance upon reaching his dorm. There, he attempted to use the Midi-chlorians inside him to for brand new tissue over his mouth. He could feel the process happening as he meditated for minutes, that felt like hours, and finally finished. He stood up and exited his room. Other Jedi walking by almost didn't notice the change but then they did, they complimented Kcaj on his new look, giving the Ongree a great smile. He saw younglings playing inside running towards him. They stopped and stared at Kcaj, this time with a smile followed by a friendly wave which continued to keep the smile on Kcaj's own face. He went back to the archives to continue is learning and was approached by the chief librarian, Jocasta Nu. "News is spreading fast about your change already. An Ongree with lips, something like that would definitely spread out farther than the Jedi Order. But I must say I am certainly impressed in what you have done and why." Kcaj looked at her, ready to answer. "I didn't do it for myself, but instead for the littler ones, the younglings." Jocasta grinned after hearing that, "Then I am not only impressed, but proud." She said before walking away to help others.

As Kcaj spent time looking throughout the archives, he grew more and more distressed at the safety of his friend after sensing hundreds of Jedi's lifeless bodies fall to the ground from overwhelming numbers of droids. He quickly returned to his dorm where the feelings only got worse. He knew he had to do something, but couldn't think of what to do. Flying to Geonosis in his starfighter may take too long, so Kcaj re-entered a meditative stance on the floor. He searched through the force to see if there was anything to do. More grueling minutes passed until something happened. Kcaj felt himself traveling throughout the galaxy to Pablo's location. He opened his eyes to be completely surrounded in darkness. He tried reaching for his lightsaber, but couldn't feel it. When looking down for it, he noticed his translucent hands, arms, and then his entire body. Just when Kcaj believe to arrived too late, he heard the sound of sabers deflecting an odd sounding blaster, followed by the screams of large bugs. He turned to see a blue glow emitting from around the corner, just enough for Kcaj to see his surroundings. He studied them carfully, noting it to be rocks carved out into confined tunnels, like catacombs. Looking back to the light as the source of it rounded the corner, revealed itself to be from the sabers of two Jedi, Barriss Offee and the Ongree Pablo-Jill. Both Jedi stood side-by-side as they redirected the green, sphere shaped blasts from the bug-like creatures, Geonosians. "Pablo!" Kcaj yelled, confusing his friend. Jill looked over at where the sound came from, staring directly at Kcaj. "Did you say that?" Pablo asked Barriss. Barriss replied in a calm, yet tired manner after cutting down the last bug, "Say what? I only remember telling you to be ready for anything." Jill looked confused, "I thought I heard someone say my name... It almost sounded like Kcaj." Hearing this also confused Kcaj, as Jill looked at him but somehow missed him. "It must be your mind playing tricks on you. After all, you and him are always together and rarely separated." Offee clarified. Pablo quietly nodded in agreement before Barriss spoke again, "Now let's find a way out of these catacombs, I'm sure the others are worried about us." The two then ran towards Kcaj, who braced for impact, but both Jedi ran straight through him, not reacting in the slightest. Kcaj finally understood what happened, he realized that he had only transported his spiritual form to the planet and the only way people could hear him properly would be to speak to them through the force.

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