Chapter 18 - A Dark Situation

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~Gassy's POV~

After Ohm leaves I'm left in the dark silence and feel as if I can punch myself for being stupid. Ohm is right, I should stop being so panicked and irritated, it'll only make the others feel worse about our position and the last thing we need right now is a whole lot of freaked out soldiers running around like wild men. Rising from my seat I nearly leave before a familiar ringtone echoes throughout the room making me freeze as I try to recognize the sound. When I realize it's Ohm's ringtone he has on his phone I glance around and it doesn't take me long to see the single light source illuminating half of the room with its power. Slowly I walk over to the phone and glance down, picking up the expensive design and stare at the caller's ID. I wonder who "Veronica" is. When the phone becomes dark again I just pocket the phone to hand back to Ohm later, resisting the temptation to open the phone and see exactly what's up with little Ohmie.

When I leave the room once again the phone rings and I sigh, taking the phone out of my pocket and this time it's surprisingly "Father". My thumb hovers over the answer button, so tempted to find out exactly who is this man who Ohm has spoken little of but the phone darkens before I can. I guess it's for the better that I was too late, it'd be pretty strange for someone to answer your son's phone anyways, I'd probably only seem like a strange person who answers another person's phone. Before I can pocket the phone again the phone vibrates and the text message reads across the surface from Veronica, Srsly I need to talk to u ASAP. I hesitate when I read this message before pocketing the phone again after silencing it. I should stop worrying, I'm only pocketing it and keeping it because I should return it to him. Plus, there is the fact that the entire building is dark that I should be focusing on instead. Glancing around I immediately notice the windows are completely dark with metal coverings over it. Did... did they not only turn off the power but activated the security system before they did?

Walking down the hall others in the building come running around seeming as if they're losing their minds without the ability to see. I feel a bit irritated when a certain soldier bursts out in tears as if we're all doomed just because we're stuck in the place we nearly spend all day in anyways. Before I get the chance to smack the soldier on their head another sergeant calls out to me and I turn towards the man who comes with lamps hung around his arms. I nod and thank the sergeant who seems to glow happily when he recieves my thanks and begins to dash away distributing the light with even more confidence. I nearly forget at times how much influence I have within the normal soldiers, I hardly ever speak seriously to people who aren't my close friends who treat me as if I'm anybody else. I forget that there are some people on base who treat me as if I'm the God of the base. Another scream nearly deafens me and I've had enough with the panicked soldiers running around like lunatics. Pulling out my phone I call the sergeant with technological expertise and wait patiently before he answers.

"Hey can you make an announcement for everyone to meet in the mess hall? We'll calm everyone there," I order and the sergeant immediately agrees and we hang up, the intercom above our heads soon making an announcement much to my liking.

"Every soldier please report to the mess hall," the voice calls out and the soldiers who were panicking a moment ago all hurry towards the mess hall now with an actual purpose and idea what to do. The sergeant who was distributing the lamps follow them into the messhall waving me to as they do so and I just silently watch. I have some really, really good kids in here and I always forget about it with the constant mentioning of a traitor. Ohm is a good kid, always doign his work as well as he can and happily at my side when I need it. It's only been lately that he's been acting strangely, I just hope whatever's happening with him passes over soon.

When I head into the mess hall it seems the sergeants already prepared a small raised platform for me to speak on. I spot Ohm speaking with the man by the speakers and in the distance I notice Minx speaking with Dlive casually. Well I did only tell them to bring them to me if they're in trouble, and considering Nanners didn't come to me Chilled must be in the clear too. Though it'd be impossible to get from the power room to here since the security is also activated blocking all entrance. Just how the fuck did someone activate security and turn power off? Either there's an idiot traitor stuck in the power room right now or they somehow hacked into the power and shut off power that way but they can't activate security like that. Security is only activated from my order and several switches, each one in a filing room. I glance over and suddenly notice Chilled struggling within the crowd and I roll my eyes, approaching the man and pulling him out of the crowd.

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