Chap 8 ~

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Before we start this chapter, I just want to say thanks! I'm honestly amazed that this story has 4k reads. That's a lot of people xD So thank you for reading ^_^!

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"No, I swear to you he over shadows me!" Anthony said in frustration. "I don't think that bad." Vanoss looked at everyone. "I'm asking twitter fuck dis." Anthony said going to the bathroom. Tyler followed and I went in and photo bombed.

The picture was so funny Anthony had a weird look on his face and Tyler was flipping him off. Then there I was in the corner by Tyler. "There was way to many people in that bathroom. " Mini laughed. "Shh.." I said sitting by him. "Why am I mentioned in this tweet? It's not me." Marcel said looking at his phone. "Everyone is." Anthony said getting his camera. "So shut the fuck up." Tyler said plopping beside Marcel.

"Aww, look at them love birds." I said making weird noises. Everyone laughed. "So it took about 8 people to find dinner in Vegas." Anthony said turning his camera so everyone was seen. "Hey's wheres Delirious?" he asked turning off the camera. "I think he's taking a nap or something?" Vanoss said looking at his phone. "No, I was talking to my-" Delirious said walking in the room, only to be cut off by Tyler yelling "Boyfriend" and Marcel yelling "Grandma!". Everyone was laughing loudly, it was like in school at lunch time. You know how loud it is?

"Oh my god, if you don't shut up the whole hotel is going to report us." Fourzer said walking in. "Ooh no, not reported." Tyler said in a annoyed voice. "If you don't want a place to stay, then keep being loud." Marcel said still not looking up from his phone.

"Let's find somewhere to get drunkkk." Fourzer said like a teenage girl. I giggled. "I knew this girl, who knew this girl, who knows a girl, who knew a girl, who knows a girls cousin, who told me there was this bar just outside PAX." Lui said in his sv. "That's weird." I said looking at my phone 8:30. "Yeah, see it's only 8:30. Lets go." Fourzer said grabbing my arm dragging me up with him. The other followed behind.

Once outside Lui skipped up beside Fourzer. "You didn't even know where you where going." Lui said looking at him, then me, then him, then raised his eyebrows up and down, I chuckled and rolled my eyes. Fourzer shrugged. "Where here!" Lui yelled in his sv, so everyone could hear, I'm pretty sure the people inside the bar could hear him.

This place is awesome. So many people, but awesome. Kind of reminds me of a night club or something. Fourzer and Mini instantly ran to the bar, soon everyone was at this rather large table. ANNND once again, drunk.

"I bet I'm a better dancing than you Moo Mooooo MooMoo!" Fourzer slurred. As you could have guessed, Moo joined us. "Only if them are going to." he said pointing to Lui, then Tyler, then me. They had their drunken dance battle, and everyone was sure that Moo won. Fourzer wasn't happy with that though. "Nooooo.." he said falling but catching himself on Lui, making them both laugh.

"Is Delirious dead?" Vanoss asked looking at Delirious who was slumped over. "I got it." Tyler said walking to him and slapping him. He was out. I smiled evil. "Whats on that mind?" Tyler asked looking at me. "Anyone got a pen, marker, anything?" I ask looking around. "I got a pen." Vanoss said chucking me the pen. By now, everyone knew what I had planned. Delirious must have taken his mask off at some point, because it was no where near him.

I drew a weird mustache and some stars on his face, everyone drew funny things on him too. Tha'ts was the last thing I remember doing before everything went black. I woke up the next day in a room, I knew it wasn't our's. Must be Vanoss's and them. I was right. I looked around and saw Moo was up, looks like he got up the same time as me. Then everyone else scattered around, either with no shirts on or no pants, some with both off. Good thing no one was naked though o.o What the fuck went down last night? A giant fuck, or fight? The thought made me smirk.

He waved and smiled, I did the same. I got up and he did the same, I went to my own room he followed. What the hell? "Um hello." I said with a giggle. I only now noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. "Hi." He said with a deep sleepy voice. "What's up?" I ask shutting the door behind him. "Nothing, just can't remember shit about last night. Or why everyone didn't have a shirt on." he said with a laugh. "Yeah I know, I was like what the hell?" I giggled.

"So what's your real name Moo?" I ask looking at him. "Tyler or Lui never told you?" he asked kind of surprised. "They tell me a lot of shit, but I'll be honest, you don't come about that often." I said with a laugh. He laughed too. "Well it's Brock." he smiled. "That's interesting. In a good way though." I said adding on the last part quickly. "Yeah, I get that a lot." he said with a sort of annoyed look. We ended up talking until everyone else got up, and asked the same thing. What the fuck happened last night?

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Alright, so I just wanted to this quick chapter. It's not long, but this is how much I can do in about an hour. That's good right? xD That just means I have to update more often. This week I'm going to try and update everyday. :D Sound good? I'll see if I can make the actual chapter 1,000 words or more. It's not a lot if it comes down to it, but hey. What ya gonna do? xD So see yas later! :3


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