Chap 3 ~

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"Kay sprinkle tits." I said with a smirk and looking at Vanoss. "What?" He said  laughing. "I said mistake.." "You did." He laughed more. "Sprinkle tits?" Tyler laughed along too. 

We where still in Tyler's car, STILL coming from the airport. I guess Vanoss is staying at Tyler's place. "Shadow, you got a spare room right?" Or not.. "Um yeah. Two actually." "Oh good. More people are coming in soon and are going to stay with me or at a hotel. If 2 need a place I'll send them to you." he said looking like he didn't blink. O.o Da hell. "That's fine. I just would like to know who you are sending to my home before you send them Ty.." I said looking around for no reason. "Maybe." He said smiling. That's kinda creepy..

"So sprinkle tits 21 questions?" "So baby face why not." Evan said making up a nickname for me. Baby face tho? "When did you start Youtube?" "When I was 19." "How old ARE you?" "21." "You Canadian people understand each other?" "I'm not Canadian but yes."

This went on until we got to Tyler's home. It was bigger than mine. I wish i would have a house like this some day. AND a car like that.. Damn the dreams.. "SO Evan here is going to be your room.." Tyler said opening the door to his house and leading Evan in. I just strolled on in and went to his fridge. What he gots in here? Hehe :P Suddenly my phone went off. From Lui.

Lui: Where you at?

Me: Just got to Ty's. Vanoss is here. Where you?

Lui: At your house

Me: Why? o.O

Lui: I wanted to talk to you D:

Me: I'll be there in like 15 min.

Lui: Would if I need to potty?

Me: Hold it :P

Lui: ):

Me: (:

We sent smiles back and forth for 10 minutes. Tyler finally came back. "Can you drop me at my home?" I said looking at my phone. "You should have brought your own car." "Excuse me. My car is shit, and would look like shit outside you house." I said looking at him now. "Very true." He said smiling and went to his car and I followed.

"Your leaving your guest locked in your home?" I said trying to hold back a laugh. "Uh yes." He said starting the car. I couldn't help but to laugh now. We chatted on the ride there more like bullshit :P

We pulled into my driveway and I saw my parents car sitting there. That is never here. I saw Lui looking bored leaning against his car. I then saw my dad come out.

"Shit." I mumbled. "What?" Tyler said looking slightly worried. "My dad doesn't like Lui. Or you for that matter. He doesn't want me to be happy." I said looking at Lui then my dad. Tyler was silent. My dad came out of the house and started yelling something at Lui. Lui looked like he was yelling back. Damn it.

"Do you need me to stay?" Tyler said looking at me. "No. Just get back to your house. You know I'll let you know what happens." I said putting my hand on the door handle. "Shad." he said stopping me. I looked at him. "Try not to make things worse with your parents. I don't want you getting hurt." he said looking me in the eyes.

"Trust me. It can't get more worse than it already is." I said giving him a quick hug then headed to Lui. I looked back and saw Ty backing out.

"Where the HELL have you been? AND why the fuck is this shit on my driveway?" My dad getting close to me. "Out." I said looking him in the eyes. "Don't you dare give me attitude!" he yelled getting closer to my face. "I don't give a fuck what you dare me. and get out of my face." I said not breaking eye contact. He raised his hand at me looking pissed. I honestly felt like I was not safe. What shit. Suddenly Lui grabbed my dad's arm and it made my dad fall back. "Don't touch me you good for nothing shit." he said giving Lui a death glare. "Don't put a hand on her." Lui said with a tone that I've never heard. "Oh? What will you do if I do?" my dad said now not breaking eye contact with Lui. "Put a "hand" on you." he said making it very obvious that he meant punch, kick, ect.. My dad snickered. It seemed evil. My father then slapped me with such force that I fell against Lui's car and ended up on the ground. I felt my nose bleeding. Just then Lui grabbed my "daddy's" arm pulling him back away from me and punched him. I saw my dad fall on the ground.

Lui came to me and put me in his car. I looked out the window and saw my dad getting up. My eyes widened when he looked at my with such evil in his eyes, he was getting up. At that moment Lui jumped in his car, started it and we where off. Fuck. I saw my phone on the ground where I was, then my dad picking it up and throwing it across the driveway. Damn.. There goes that..

We didn't speak a word until he stopped at a pull off. "Here." he said handing me a soft rag thing. "Wiped off your face. I don't want blood on my floor." He said with a small smile. I smiled back. "You alright?" "I'll be fine. Its just.. I can't believe he would do that in public. The first time it was in the basement.." I said trailing off. I felt my eyes start to fill with tears. I put my head in my hands. Lui leaned over and hugged me. I really needed that. After 10 minutes, we started off again. We where going to his house. I was going to stay there for a few days. I was going to wait and see if my parents left before I went back to get some of my stuff. Lui said I could stay with him as long as I needed. He promised not to tell anyone that I didn't tell. Which would probably only be Tyler.


2 days later~

I went to my parents house and they left a note saying "We are moving back to Atlanta. You are staying here since you seem like you love those jobless dead beats. Please do not try to contact me or your father. We do not wish to hear from you. Only if you are dead. Then will we see you one final time. Your father does not wish to speak to you anymore. I don't want that Shadow. I love you. You know I do. You know how your father is. I did my best to talk him out of this. I didn't want to write this at all. I would say try to contact me, but your father would find out, and you know what would happen then. Shadow, I know I don't show this a lot but I really do love you. So does your dad. I will miss you Gum drop... I love you. Please don't forget me. If you ever are to get married please do your best to send me a picture. I see the way you look at those friends of yours. I saw that the one punched your father. He must really care about you. I love you... Love Mom <3" Of course I teared up. My mom didn't seem to care about me but she did. It was because of my dad.

Well since then fourzer0seven and BasicallyIDoWrk came in. They are staying at Tyler's. Tyler said that one more person might be coming in. Also that he would have to stay with me and Lui, since his house was full. Literally full. I started to think. PAX was on Sunday. It was Wednesday. I wonder how long everyone was going to stay. Who was this one more person? When was this person coming in?


The next day~ Which is Thursday! ^_^

"GUYS! THE GUY IS GOING TO BE AT THE AIRPORT IN 45 MIN! GET YO ASSES THERE ASAP!" Ty said more like yelled though the phone. "SHUT THE FUCK UP TYLER! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" Marcel yelled. "ITS 9:30 IN THE DAMN MORNING GET YOUR LAZY ASS OUT OF BED!" Tyler yelled back. Damn that house seems hectic. I tried to get Tyler's attention but he was to busy yelling at Marcel. So I just hung up. Lui and I where on our way to the airport now!

"Um, how do we know who we are looking for if we don't know who he is?" I asked half way there. "I don't know. Tyler said he would be looking for us soo.." Lui said changing the song. Let her go by Passenger came on. I love that song! I started to sing along. Lui sang in his squeaker voice. It was to funny.

I put my head on the side by the seat belt thingy. We finally got to the airport. Damn traffic. We just stood there. I felt like we where lost or something. I was looking around looking for someone looking for people. Oh god this is gonna be fun.. "Surprise bitch!" A guy yelled coming up behind Lui startling him a bit. "Damn it Delirious!" Lui yelled turning around to look at the guy. "So you DO have black hair eh?" Lui said smirking. "I said you would find out. Not that you where right." The guy who I'd guess is Delirious said smirking too. "Delirious this is Shadow, or Freedom, or Free, Shads this is Delirious or well Delirious." Lui said making weird hand movements making me giggle. Delirious laughed too. Oh my god. His laugh! It's the same! Hes the real Delirious! ;3


So guys, I hope you enjoyed! I wanted to change it up a bit with the drama part. Let me know if you liked it! (: What do you guys think Delirious looks like? o.O


~Don't stop dreaming just because others think it's imposable~

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