how it all happened/ chapter 1

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I was a teacher in korea I was pretty average good homelife single had enough money to get by i had average/dyed (h/c) and normal (e/c). I didn't follow toxic masculinity  but at work we had a dress code of females wear skirts males wear pants but just a lilttle secret I've worn a skirt/dress before i guess you may be questioning my sexuality but im bisexual leading more to males but yeah but thats not what this is about this is how I died... and became hella rich!! Anyways I was waiting for the sequel that night i started losing energy maybe to much coffee or energy drinks?

Whatever but.... something happened I closed my eyes and everything went black.

Next thing I know a hot guy with long sliver hair and a traditional kimono appeared in front of me i looked around and saw MY BODY!? What the hell how how how! Wait wait wait theres a stranger heres umm...

I was about to say something but.. I heard a cocky toned voice"Wow humans are so silly these days your mr.yamaguchi righttt? Says here you died from lack of sleepp hmmm" his voice got lower like a whisper "wait wasn't mrs.yamaguchi supposed to die not her son ohhh shit.. umm human! so like you weren't supposed to die so like do you wanna go to heaven orrrr..." I got curious "orrrr what?" This guy is suspicious and curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back so like ima just.


haha cliffhanger~ anyways this was the first chapter and my first book but I hoped you liked it. Mr. Mystery man is inspired but tamaki and our favorite ouran twins oh and lucas i decided to make m/n pretty chill and not be perfect or really happy but he'll be realistic and act scared at first but he will get used to it overtime also i wont explain the novel in this story just yet because it wont make sense the original male lead wont have a major personality change because the male lead was never the submissive and innocent type but the m/n un the novel is thats all you needa know for now at least

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