3- Choked

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{ why is the little einsteins so popuar wtf. }


You took one look but you play me like a game
It took one look and now you stare at me the same






Jordan shoved through all the doors, ignoring Mark's threats to stop being so aggressive and loud.

Will was on his mind, strangely enough. Jordan didn't know why, it's just that the skinny male intrigued him, so to speak.

"Will-" Jordan stopped as he looked at a battered boy before him, sitting at the edge of the sidewalk.

"Go the fuck away, Jordan. I didn't ask for you to follow me nor to even meet you." Will hissed, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"I know, but I want to talk-"

"Talk about what? What's there to talk about, hm? What could you possibly want to know about my shit life? As if you don't already know enough seeing that you followed me here."

Jordan ached to sit beside Will, to give him a pat on the back and quick smile.

But he also wanted to ignore the arrogant boy, yet no matter how hard he tried, Will trailed around in his thoughts.

"I just- I don't know. It wasn't my fault I heard crying and decided to run towards it." Jordan frowned as he saw Will wince at his words.

"Whatever, dude. Go home. It's like near midnight. Don't you've a curfew or something?" Will scrambled up and walked away, hands dabbing at his eyes.

"I'd hate to ask the same for you." Jordan muttered, sticking his hands into the pockets of his jeans.







That Jordan kid needs to stop clouding my thoughts. He's everywhere, and I need to stop wishing he was always by my side.

Will didn't look over his shoulder once as he escaped from the scene in front of his therapist office and Jordan.

"I shouldn't have gone to Liam. He couldn't help with my problems. And it's not like what. . . what happened is going to make me want to pour my feelings out." Will whispered to himself.

Honestly, what happened in the sketchy alley was life shattering for Will.

He had an okay life. Everything was fine.

But he just had to follow a 'girl' while he was drunk out of his mind.

Heck, did Will even like girls anymore?

Nevertheless, what happened happened, and Will couldn't fix the damages done. It's life and life never rewinds.


"Will, are you home, yet? Someone is waiting for you."

"Oh." Will wanted to break his phone into pieces every time his mother called him. His parents loved him, and they treated him fairly, but they just didn't get the way Will looked at life.

And they never would.

"William, you better hurry along. I'm sure your guest will not wait any longer."

"Yeah, mom, I'm a few blocks away." Will disregarded the rest of the instructions his mother barked at him. He rolled his shoulders back and plastered a smirk onto his face, like every other day of his life.

Sadly, a few blocks ended in a few minutes. Every step Will took was like weights being retied to his feet over and over again, each one heavier than the one before it.

He had the nicest house on Willow Drive.

He had the "richest" family known in his town.

He had everything.

But he was still so incomplete.


A quick hand through his messy brown hair and a button up of the collar made Will look ten times more presentable. He waltzed through his front door, holding his head proudly.

"Yes, that is one of the last mentions known to- ah, here's my son, William!" Will's mother cooed, rushing over to her tall and scrawny son. A stranger trailed after her along with a girl near Will's age.

"Hello, William, I am Dr. Golding and this is my daughter, Ella." Dr. Golding boasted, his voice echoing in the room. He gestured at the girl, whose yellow hair flowed over her shoulders and cascaded down her back.

"Hi." Will mumbled, losing his smirk as Ella smiled at him.

"Will, Dr. Golding is my work partner. He will be staying here for several months while we research together. I expect you and Ella to get along in the meantime. Now run off, don't bother us." Will's mother flicked her hand and sashayed off, Dr. Golding following her like a lost puppy.

"Well, we might as well get acquainted. I'm Ella and you're Will. Good? Great." Ella snapped, her eyes burning with annoyance.

They just met and she was already frustrated with Will?

He stood back and let Ella discover the foyer of his home, her hands reaching to touch anything valuable in sight. She never turned around once to acknowledge Will's presence.

"Um, my mum said not to touch that. . ." He whispered, frowning as Ella whipped around to laugh, her long fingers encasing a jewelry box.

"Yeah, and what's your 'mum' gonna do about it? She's too busy with my dad to even care what we're doing."  Ella snorted, walking closer to Will. "After all, we are going to have to get along, so listen here." 

She grabbed the sleeve of WIll's shirt and pulled him closer, her warm breath tickling Will's ear. 

He didn't like this.

"I don't need you following me, telling me what and what not to do. I've had my fair share of it in the past, and I don't plan on taking orders from a sixteen year old."

"I'm nineteen, actually-"

"Whatever, dude. Just plant that into your mind and have a nice night, will ya, WIl?" Ella giggled, scampering away into the main hallway. 

WIll felt like crying. Again. He didn't ask for some snobby girl and her lovesick father to invade his home. He didn't want to be bossed around by a girl who thought she owned the world and everyone standing on it. He didn't want this life, but he had it. It was his very own to keep for- freaking- ever. 


 I want to see Jordan.

No, you don't. He's like a nosy prick.

But he's kind of-

Exactly. Kind of nothing. The more you don't think about him, the less you'll want to see him.

But I do want to see him. His hair was nice.

Stop thinking about him, soldier! You don't like him, and he doesn't like you back. He never will.


{ every chapter is a filler and this is short, sorry. I have to have something before I can start doing the important chapters. }

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
-and love is appreciated a lot!
(because I can't write!!!!!!!)
<3 thank you! 

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