Chapter Eleven

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There he was sitting at the edge of the bed looking totally indifferent. He was looking at his phone before, I coughed, making him look up. When he saw that it was me, he eyes me before going back to what he was doing.

"You can put the bags over there" he says gesturing to the dresser.

I nod to the tall butler before making my way to the opposite dude of the room. I set the bags down before turning to see that Harry and I are alone.

"Harry why--"

Suddenly the door opens again causing me to choke up.
Standing in the doorway is the head of the house glowering at me.
"How date to call your master by his first name, I shall have butler teach you the formal protocol!"
The pale man shrieked seething with rage.

I look at Harry for hell but his posture is relaxed as his eyes are cold, eyeing me before saying.

"He's right, you may call me sir or Mr. Styles pest, go to your room now, until I call for you, and remember to wear your uniform. You are a guest here. But still only a personnel, remember your place"

The venom of his words, stub me, Harry has never shown cruelty to me, at least bit until now. Swallowing I nod, before grabbing my bag and hurrying to my separate room. I quietly close my door before turning on the fan, placing my luggage down I throw myself in the twin size bed. Shoving my head into a pillow I scream and sobb, until my body is limo and can't take anymore.

~ ~ ~
When my calling bell rings I'm composed, and prepared myself mentally, knowing not to shown any romantic emotion towards mr. Styles. I made sure that my outfit was perfect and couldn't be degraded by this jerk of a man.

When I stepped out I saw that Harry was nearly ready, only needing help with his cuffs and tie. I walk over to him and remind myself to be just as cold and detached as he was earlier. Forcing myself not to think of the fluttering in my hear I perfect his tie and cuffs. Helping him into his black suit jacket he's ready for dinner.

I move quickly opening the door and keeping my head down until he's passed. I make sure to keep a foot between us, far enough not to be seen as a partner, but close enough not to seem like a stalker. I descend the stairs while he makes his way into a private elevator, he doesn't look at me before the doors shut, causing another small sting to my heart. When I make my way down the stairs I see a couple more personnels those most keep to themselves. I see an attractive looking boy, but he seems to be unapproachable.

I suck in a deep breath before standing beside him, maybe since he gives off the aura, don't talk to me, it would rub off on me. So I stand incredibly still, keeping a bored expression on my face at all times.

"Wow you're gorgeous"

A low voice whispers.

Turning my head an inch I see that the once docile guy, is now lively, attempting at conversation. I look around me before realizing, he is talking about me. Blushing i nod my head and give a small amine before looking straight ahead again.

"Wow you must he too cool to talk to me us that it?"

"N n no it's just I'm not really sure if I'm allowed to talk to you" I say.

His brown eyes, brighten as he listens to me talk before a puzzled expression settles in his face.

"Wow the s time you have freedom and you're worried? That's ironic" he says before chuckling.

I just move and state straight ahead, offended by his words. It wasn't that I couldn't break the rules, but Harry was kind and he didn't make me feel like a prisoner. I guess I would have to figure some way to fit in without relaying how kind Mr. Styles really is. Or had been.

Hi luvs please don't be a silent reader getting feedback helps me know what you guys like and want so please comment!!!! And vote that would be cool too (;

So need crush advice 😩

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