Chapter Twelve

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My determination to keep Harry's secret had set, I ignore this man beside me and wait, for Harry to come for me. But when he walks into the grand entrance, there is a group of people, Harry leading, with a voluptuous red head woman, wearing a black strapless dress, showing off her curves and leaving nothing to imagine. I bite my lip as I see that they're holding hands, Harry even kisses her cheek causing her to giggle before latching onto his arm and pushing her breasts against him.

I watch as he licks his lips before whispering something into her ear. I clench my jaw as she smiles sending him a sultry look before they both stop in front of me.

"Daniel come it's time for dinnner" the red head says but is still staring at Harry.

"And um, auna come along as well" Harry says still smiling at the woman.

"I'm it's Laila and okay" I say

But at my answer Harry turns his cold eyes on me, the anger is quite obvious in them.

"How date you talk back to me, remember I am your superior personnel" he snarls

Hurt floods me as I flush, feeling the trash he walks on, shame and guilt erupt through me.

"Oh Harry baby, be nice to the young thing she's still getting used to it." The wan whispers nuzzling her lips right under his ear

He sighs before shooting me another dark look before turning around, and walking away. I quickly follow after the pair but stare at the ground, not wanting to see them flirting together. The man that I had been standing by was also following them, I figured the red headed lady was his master. I stood silently behind Harry's chair, fetching the things he wanted before eating with the other personnel.

It was hard because Harry and I always ate together or watched things together he had made me me feel special not just some gi he bought. But now his behavior towards me was awful, and I was beginning to long for the putrid cage I used to be kept in. Anything to avoid this feeling of breaking.
Breathing through my teeth I suffer through the rest of the evening before going back to our room. He nodded to me after I help him out of his tight suit clothes before I retire to my room. I don't sob tonight just silent tears and fall into a fitful sleep.

~ ~ ~
I wake to loud noises, scared I open the door to be completely blindsided.

Ahhh my first cliffhanger 😳 tell me what ya think longer chapter next time comment and vote lovelies

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