〰 F E EL I N G S 〰

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F E E L I N G S ✒free place you can go when you had no one to vent too

people nowadays are always diagnosed with depression, anxiety and etc. they always fake their smile and happiness when they're actually crying inside. this world is cruel. toxics. plastics. heartbreaker. faker and many more made in China things live inside this cruel world. but even when the world is cruel, it teaches you to be strong and tough. even when the world is judging you because of your face, clothing, size, height, and others, consider them as a challenge to prove yourself. when the whole world is trying to be like Kylie Jenner or Beyonce, you just be nothing but you. that's what makes you glow amongst them all. you should be yourself because everyone else is taken.

as one of the person who used and still have been through this whole mean and evil things, I make this place for you guys to tell whatever you've been keeping inside for a long time. you also can try to help the others by encourage them and get to know people who also suffered from this kind of things. don't be afraid and shy to tell us what's going on in your mind. just want to let you know that I love you and do whatever you think is true.

feel free to to vent about:

• depression

• anxiety

• family problem

• love problem

• self love

• and more

how to:

Step one: message me on wattpad / direct message me on my Instagram @aleesyazzz_ (tell me your problem/s)

Step two: wait for me to read (sorry if it takes too long because I'm busy) ; if I already read it I'll reply with a ( ✔ )

Step three: I'll reply your message in this place and tag your username to let you know

Step four: you just have to read it and try the tips I gave you

Step five (not necessary): you can encourage other people with the same problem as you and cheer them up with some comments

I hope you guys problems are solved and live a happy life ♥

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