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your mother was exhausted,

your father brutal

so brutal-

with his hands and his words

his actions and his thoughts 

"that's not him.

he is not violent in the traditional way,

no, we like to do things differently here."

that was what you breathed against my wrists

as my fingers questioningly brushed the scar on your temple

he could not speak

and yet he was the most tumultuous existence in your life

his hands made vicious signs

and his intemperate words on stained paper,

addressed to you and his wife

your eyes were tired of his ink

with it in sight,

they would shatter with one more blink


though you still saw it

but you stopped reading it

you had something better to read after all

something more pleasing

more appealing


like a fairytale with butterflies and rainbows

(that die and fade,

but you did not know that- 


like a summer love story with no end in sight

(though even you know-

the sight seen by tired eyes cannot be trusted)


you read me

you read me like a children's book

chapter after chapter,

in the day- 

so we could pretend the story was our reality

before sleeping-

so you could meet me again in your dreams

it's quite a satisfying shame, really

you could not see this book's for what it was

you couldn't see-

that it wasn't a book at all

it was a letter

a letter that bled,

I was a letter

a letter in red 

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