Chapter 5: Little Jealous

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Y/n's POV

I was now helping Koro-sensei to get the lab equipment with my Rinkaku Kagune caring a two box full of lab equipment and I carry some with my hands while Koro-sensei carry some too with his tentacles

"Thank you for the help Y/n-san" I just nod and we walk towards the lab room "As expected from one of the officers Sergeant At Arms class officer" I just roll my eyes to him making him laugh

They voted me to be the sergeant at arms class officer, at first they want me to be the P.I.O but since I sometimes cause trouble instead of peace they made me Sergeant At Arms

We arrive then my male classmates attack him making Koro-sensei disappear and do his thing then I took those he carry earlier so that it wont got broken

I enter the room and place the equipment on the table while they still kept tryting to kill Koro-sensei

I saw the three boys gave up and started to breath heavily then I finally finished placing the equipment and I deactivate my kagune and sat next to Manami who's facing Karma

I didn't listened and kept drawing in my notebook as Koro-sensei took the food we bring and to him office and came back then Manami went towards Koro-sensei

"U-Um... sensei" Manami said in a nervous tone

"Can I help you Okuda-san?" Then what she did and said made me laugh  then I continue to draw in my notebook

He drank it and his color and the shape of his head change and explains what it taste then I went towards them and snatch the remaining poison

I look at my classmate and at the poison and drank it making them shock and freak out especially the girls

"Y/n! Why did you do that?!" 

I suddenly felt something weird then all of a suddenly a smoke appeared making it cover my whole body

"Argh... fucking smoke" I said and the smoke cleared then I place the glass lab equipment thing on Koro-sensei's table while my classmates look at me in shock while all of the girls eyes sparkle and adoration making me confuse "Is there something wrong?"

"You have wolf ears and tails!" Kaede said and pointed my head then Koro-sensei showed me a mirror and they are right I have wolf eras and tails making me blush and cover my wolf ears

"Of course this would happened. The one I drank is Thallium Acetate right?" I asked Manami and she slowly nod while blushing

"Can you explain as what happened to you Y/n-san?" Nagisa asked making me nod then tap my wolf ears

"This always happens whenever I drank some poisons that could kill humans but since I'm not a human anymore and a ghoul, if I drank some poison some animal parts will appear on my body like what happened earlier and it depends on what poison it was and the time is depends on how many I drank" I said and wiggled my tail then I sigh "It will disappear tomorrow or after school" I said 

~Time Skip~

I didn't participate the volleyball like game that has wooden knife and a ball that looks like Koro-sensei

I just watch them on the window with Karasuma on my right

"Hey Y/n..." I heard Irina said to my left making me look at her "Its awfully hot today" she said and went closer to me "Don't you think so, Y/n?~" She said in a seductive way and suddenly hug my left arm making me blush a bit 

"Then go get something cold" I sternly said making her pout so I quickly look away since you know my weakness "I'm not your target so stop flirting or seducing me" I said making her let go of my arm

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