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Dear New Diary,

After my final meeting with my professors at school, I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life.

This is the new me.

Hello, My name is Mohammed Hammed Al Ali. I am 18 years old. I live in Dubai, UAE, born and raised. I am ethnically from Saudi Arabia. In three days I'm moving to the states to start a new chapter in my life, University.

I am grateful for the life my parents have given me. I never had a problem with school, my relationship with my family and friends is close to perfect. Never had too many problems. Living in Dubai, there aren't any public schools so we were all forced to wear uniforms. All I can say is that I'm very excited to not wear a uniform every day for Uni.

Well, I think that's a good place to end chapter one of my diary so... we'll chat tomorrow.


dear online diary? idk i saw a video online that said if i write down how i feel about things it would make me feel better.

hey, my name is mohammed and im 18. i live in the states but im from saudi.

idek why im doing this.. im just having a lot of trouble with anxiety and ive been feeling really depressed lately.

im moving out of my house soon and going to uni. im really passionate about psychology so that what i was gonna study, my parents are kinda disappointed as they wanted me to be an engineer, but i guess that what all parents want their little boy to be.

im finishing my last couple of days of high school before im out, i dont think ive been more excited..

ngl this felt good to just write down my thoughts of the day, cya tmr notebook <3


Dear Diary, This is chapter two of my new life, and two days until I leave for University.

I went out with my friends today and met a lot of new people. We went Go-Karting and then went to eat dinner. After that, we went driving around trying out some food trucks. I'm trying to have as much fun as possible before I leave.

I'm really gonna miss everything, my family and friends, Dubai and all the memories, but I'm ready for change.

I'm starting to question how I will be treated in the States. Will they be accepting or will they deny me? I'm not too worried about that for I would describe myself as a social butterfly.

I started my morning today by taking a shower and my maid made me my breakfast before my driver took me to school, then on the way back, I had some errands to run so I completed those quickly. In the evening, I went to a shisha cafe next to the beach with my friends then ended my day off by going to the gym.

Well, I'm going to wrap it up, See you again tomorrow Diary.


hey again,

my parents and i got in a fight again, i really am getting tired of their shit man. recently, ive been really tired and motivationless and they just dont get it.

i ended up actually going to school today after 2 weeks of straight online only cuz my bestie wanted me to be there.

her name is vivian, i just call her vinn tho. we have a lot in common and have known each otherfor years, my arab ass parents even let her sleepover, but i think cuz my parents think im gay.

as much as i love vinn, i got called all different types of names today, luckly we were talking about terrorist attacks in class as a random topic... i got like 3 notes passed to be saying terrorist and kids asking if im gonna bomb the school, and the best part, being told to go back to my country.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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