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Jack Pizer was a Jew.

       He grew up in Russia in the year 1853.

       His parents Vanya and Natasha Pizer, 32, worked in the Ports. The harsh conditions of the country meant that violence was part of the culture, or religious, norm.

       He had had read about Peter the I (The Great). About the Otttoman Turks. And other battles. And the young Russia begun to be filled with violence and murder.

     Jack had short, black hair, brown eyes, and tall. He wore a black colored coat, brown colored breeches, a black colored belt, and black colored boots.

       Pizer knew of the invasion that came from the North. The books that he read about military conquest prayed on his mind.

         "...The kholop (boy servant) in the 11th and 12th centuries, had a Master, had a lot of power over him: murdering servants or selling them...or payment of debts...By the 15th century, everything changed...Then, by the 16th century, the служилое холопство, sluzhiloye kholopstvo, ( service class kholops); by the 17th century, the kholops were "chained to the land", (посаженные на землю, posazhenniye na zemlyu); they also paid "quitrent", up to the 1720s", he finished. The drank some vodka, as he saw the Port Master blow his whistle.


Pizer put down the book. Then he walked out of his apartment towards the Synagogue.

          Rabbi Shylam was smiling.

           "Dobraye ootro", ("Good morning"), he said.

            "Dobraye ootro", ("Good morning"), Pizer said.

             He walked towards the front entrance. And he went inside. Lamps illumed the place of worship, as he prayed for guidance in the wake of the recent murders that had had gripped London, the country that he hoped was full of peace...But, instead, brought more misery.

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