Chapter 6 (Harry)

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     I sat in class and it was obvious that the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. I took in all the glares that were pointed at the Slytherin side of the classroom. I looked back at them with a blank stare and they all looked away. It wasn't too long until the teacher arrived and the lesson happened. It was mostly quiet except for  the overwhelming feeling of the dislike the house had for each other.
      I waited until after the lesson to ask some questions I had during the lecture. I then headed to my next class and time flashed until it was time for lunch. I saved my brother a seat at my table. He arrived and he started to tell me all about how his day was going. He also asked me if I had sent a letter to our parents yet. I haven't, because I was still wondering what the hat meant when he said those things.
       I know I should ask my parents, but I don't want them to worry about something so silly.  I mean I'm my parents child, but I fear that something is out there and it has something to do with me. I heard my grandmother that aunt Bella keeps talking about how he will rise again. I'm scared, because the last time he was alive he tried to destroy our family. Papa told me stories about the war and how aunt lily had a miscarriage, because of the stress of that monster.
     I could have had another cousin and we could have been best friends, but he had to interfere with our lives. I hate him so much, because he destroyed so many lives without remorse. He is a vile man who I want to destroy with my own two hands. I look at my brother and I see father in him. I'm going to protect my brother with all my strength.
     I listen to my brother until he mentions a red headed Gryffindor. Neville didn't like him a bit. I then remember how he treated that girl with a lion mane for hair. I was disgusted by that. He was from a light family with lots of children if I remembered right and Grandmother talked about how she doesn't like that family.
     She doesn't like a lot of people and a lot of it has to do with how she was raised. She grew up in a pureblood household. She was taught from a young age that anyone who isn't a pureblood is not worth your time. She was also not supposed to talk to anyone who was on the light side. Grandfather and her were engaged for a young age and they grew up together.
     The love between them grew stronger with time until they were inseparable. They were married not even a year after they graduated from school. Grandmother stepped into the social circle of adults. She started to fear that she was disappointing her parents, In-laws, and husband, because of this she started to change. She used to be a kind and loving person.
     I look at my brother as he tells me with excitement in his speech. He tells me he has a letter for our parents and he doesn't have an owl so he asks to use mine which is perfectly mine. It was finally time to go back to our classes. I was bored most of the time until it was for potions. I know that it was going to be some free entertainment.
     I sat quietly with my cousin when our teacher arrived. He was talking fast then he was doing roll calls. He stopped at my name to ask if my aunt was doing well. I told him she was doing fine and she said hi. He looked happy until he came to the boy who lived and started to ask him to answer some difficult questions.
      I only knew them, because of my aunt and my brother. He looked like he was struggling. The girl with the wild hair tried to help him. I knew it was coming that Snape was going to take points away from Gryffindor. It wasn't surprising at all, because he was known to do that. The hour had finished and I had a free period.
     I was off to finish my homework before dinner time. It didn't take long for dinner to roll around. I was about half way done with my homework when this happened. I put my homework away before heading to the great hall for dinner. I arrive on time compared to some people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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