Chapter 3

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Mentions of SH

Wanda can hear you crying but isn't sure where from until she realises it's coming from your bathroom. She knocks on the door

Wanda Maximoff: Y/n are you in there?

Panicking you try to clean everything up and bandage your arm up even though the blood is dribbling all down arm and onto the floor

Y/N: Two seconds Wanda
Wanda Maximoff: I could tell your anxiety was high and I wanted to check on you

Wanda opens the door not knowing what you were doing only to see blood on the floor and on tissues you had used trying to clean it up. But before you can pull your sleeve down in time Wanda sees your scars.

Y/N: Wanda! You should have waited!

Wanda's eyes full of tears as you yelled realising she should have waited but she continues to rush to your side on her knees holding your arm in her hands making sure not to hurt. You pull your away slowly and continue to try and clean yourself up.

Wanda Maximoff: Y/n are you ok is this why you left the conference room
Y/N eyes full of tears: I didn't want anyone on the team to find out only mum and dad know please don't tell anyone. *You sob even harder*
Wanda Maximoff: Y/n these ones are really recent does your dad know about the recent ones
Y/N: He thinks i'm a month clean tomorrow.
Wanda Maximoff: These don't look more then 2/3 days only y/n.
Y/n: That's because they aren't.

Wanda now sitting on the bathroom floor with you helps you clean your arm up and you talk not about your arm and your scars as you told her you weren't ready so you just about sokovia and how she is holding up. You find yourself lying on Wanda's lap as she plays with your hair. For just a moment feeling that little better but at the same over thinking and panicking about wanda keeping it quiet from tony and pepper but also about everyone else find out.

JARVIS: Y/n your father wishes to speak with you in the kitchen

Unaware of the blood that's on your sleeve from where you tried to hide it from Wanda you sit up looking at her and say
Y/N: I will come find you later okay
Wanda Maximoff: Okay y/n speak to your later

remember you bought the stuff for peprikesh you say before leaving
y/n: I will make you food and we can talk about it I trust you and i think i'm ready to talk about it
Wanda Maximoff: That would be lovely only if your ready though y/n i don't want to push
y/n: I trust you i'm ready

You leave for the kitchen. While Wanda finishes cleaning up despite you telling her not to worry as no one comes in your room and contemplates telling Tony but decides to wait until you spoke to you about it later that evening. Wanda roses the bin out removing all the evidence but also takes the blade with her thinking it's your only one and that she was helping you.

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