perhaps a hookup

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sitting in a bar, slowly downing his second drink, jisung wondered why he even went there in the first place. he doesn't usually drink nor does he do one night stands often, so the reason was unknown to him.

he was just mindlessly looking in front of himself, being lost in thought. well, that was until he saw someone gorgeous.

a young man, probably around his age, with black hair of shoulder-length, entered the small bar. his choice of clothing was unique and lovely to look at - black combat boots, tight ripped jeans, a black top and all that topped with a leather jacket decorated with chains and stickers. he wore slight makeup - black eyeshadow that turned red in his inner corner. he was plainly beautiful to look at. anyone would fall for a man like him.

'what a beauty,' jisung thought to himself as he watched the mysterious beauty approach the bartender.

"the usual?" seungmin, the bartender, asked with a small smile as the taller approached him.

"yeah, sure," even his voice was angelic. jisung could feel his face redden, so he quickly looked away from the most beautiful person he has ever seen.

"hm~ ne, jisung, come here," seungmin said softly while pouring the man's drink. jisung just looked at him sceptically, but came over nevertheless.

"yeah?" he asked as he approached the two, seungmin smiling at him softly and the tallest just observing his face.

"this is hyunjin, we went to college together," seungmin said with a sweet smile, "and this is jisung, we've known each other since middle school, but then he moved to malaysia," he pointed at jisung, making the shortest smile softly while nodding.

"well, it's very nice to meet you, jisung," hyunjin said with friendly smile, "i'm hwang hyunjin."

"han jisung, pleasure to meet you," jisung replied back a bit quietly, his anxiety raising slightly as they shook hands.

"what are you nervous for? i'm not gonna bite you... unless you want me to," hyunjin said with a flirty wink at the end. this action made jisung turn fifty shades of red.

"u-uh- anyway, need anything else, seungmin?" jisung quickly turned to face seungmin who had evli smirk placed on his lips.

"not really. oh, do you know when minho's coming?" seungmin asked desperately, making jisung giggle.

"he'll be here in like half an hour. also, if you go to ours, please, not in the kitchen, i eat there," jisung said, making hyunjin laugh and seungmin blush hard.

"i'm gonna clean some glasses," seungmin mumbled as he quickly left the two alone.

"woah, didn't think that seungmin would be like that," hyunjin laughed as he watched seungmin wash the glasses with red cheeks.

"i just wanted tea, instead i saw seungmin with dick down his throat," jisung said in disgusted tone, glaring over to where seungmin was.

"damn, wouldn't want that," hyunjin laughed again, "you seem cool, wanna get to know each other?" he asked after he calmed down his laugher.

jisung thought a bit before replying: "hm, sure, i need to socialize."

and they slowly started to warm up to each other. hyunjin found jisung very handsome as soon as he laid his eyes on him. his chubby cheeks made him look adorable, but he still looked very attractive in the dim light of the bar.

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