Chapter 3: don't threaten me with a good time

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((disclaimer:song lyric as chapter title isn't mine.))

"Come on!Come on!Come on!"I dragged Skylar and his group of friends over to the giant Ferris wheel,unable to contain my excitement."We have to be on it for the midnight fireworks!It's got the best view."

"Weren't you the one hesistant about being here in the first place?"Skylar said laughing at my antics

"Slow down there shawty."Tyhan said grabbing my arm. I jerked away instantly but decided to say nothing of it.

This whole encounter went missed by everybody,and fortunately Skylar too who had stopped to buy us some candyfloss and taffy.  Skylar had decided that it was his role in the universe to be there for me forever and would not waver in his duty – I think it's because he feels bad for selling us out in that Kree prison. But also he's my best friend now and the closest thing I have to family left,bar Will and Linda – so if he had seen that interaction,there would've been yet another bloody fight.Sky's getting better at talking it out though,he used to pick fights everyday and one of those days I saw him and decided to show him that there's more to life than purposefully getting yourself hurt. It was the same day Hazelline and I broke up. Now that I look back I think it was imminent.

I walked closer to Lara,Tyhan's bratz doll girlfriend,as not-so subtle a warning.

I don't want to ruin everyone's night by making a fuss,but I will knock him out if it happens again,it may have been an accident after all but these poorly raised boys need to know that touching people is consensual.

"Thank you."I said,taking the sparkly galaxy candyfloss from Sky's hand.

As I take the first bite of candyfloss I notice 'Ned' from the bus run like hell toward where the fireworks are going to be,where it's currently being taped off for safety.

New people suddenly emerge from the stalls holding cheap looking suitcases labelled costume but their expressions don't match their tasks.

They were blank like a wiped memory card and heading straight toward mystery boy's location.

I peer around and realise I've lost sight of him.

Okay calm down Kiara.It's not your fight,come on just ignore it.Let the poor guy do his mission.

"Rain you got the tickets?"Skylar asks.

"Yeah here but you don't need to pay me back.Consider it a gift for the beautiful birthday lady."He said giving me a flirtatious wink which is funny because he's completely gay.

"Oh I'm very flattered.Thank you Rain."I said,finally learning his name."Now let's go!"I announced, hooking onto the two nearest people:Skylar and Hiro and dragging them to the reserved queue.


You know that feeling.The moment before something is about to happen,everything slows to a stop and that anticipation before you finally brace yourself.

For a change I am not the focus and I do not miss the attention.

The Ferris wheel is filled with mostly teenagers and young adults staying out late with the intent to live a little.Inexperienced children in any form of instinctual protection or combat.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins preparing me for gosh knows what.
Maybe it's anxiety.Maybe I have a super sense.

The Ferris Wheel halted to a stop and we were at the very top.We get 2 minutes up here until the next carriage will move up.

There was a moment of silence as all the giggling,shuffling and chattering stopped. Children.These people on this Ferris wheel were just beginning their lives.Please.

Whee whee wheee! BOOM! And colours shattered across the sky.

"WOOOH!"the loud chorus of awed teenagers followed the first set of fireworks.
It's not adding up.

I scoured the grounds from our vantage point for any indication that my anxiety was correct or better yet wrong but we would not be so lucky.

There. My eyes followed the lines of wire to auto-flamers and then ...
The world exploded.

((Shorter chapter,I know but you guys will get a double update :D Surprise!))

Pompeii // AoS and avengers - sequel to RecruitedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora