Chapter 4:ferrus

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((Who is mystery boy?? I guess you'll see now...))

I threw myself across onto the supporting beam as my shield forced its way up and around us.

"Kiara!"Sky shouted in alarm.

"Get out of here.Get everyone down and then through the tunnel over by the booth."I commanded. Skylar knew not to argue but did anyway,"But-"

"Shut up Sky.Aaaaargh."I try to hold in a scream as the raging flames lick against the sides of my shield tempting me to give in so it can devour us all.

The Ferris Wheel creaks as everybody makes it down but I manipulate so it stays strong.Skylar and his friends look to me for an answer of what is going on,"Just get the f*ck out of here."I shout."Go!Now!"

And thankfully they listen.

Or so I thought.

Skylar sees two people struggling in the smoke and goes to help them out.

I begin a steady and tiresome climb down the rusty looking frame and slip down a rung scraping my elbow on a giant bolthead.I hope I don't have to have a tetanus shot.I hate needles. I've only recently gotten over the fear of safety pins.

All thoughts go out of the window as I notice the nearby kitchen tent getting eaten up by the fire.

Two more people approach where Sky is,the very place that is about to go up flames any minute. And I think to myself, how can I possibly make this jump!

Without hesistation, I launch off the origin and continuously change my density in the right places to land right behind them.

And my ferris wheel shield gives out as I propel toward them just in time to enclose us all in protective bubble as the whole world erupts into an orange and black mess.


There's roaring in my ears as I uphold every promise of commitment and fall to my weak knees. The mystery boy kneels in front of me,tapping my cheek to stop my eyelids from closing,he doesn't know I know he's mystery boy,"Hey there ma'am everything is going to be okay."

"You're a little far from Queens Spider-Man."The white eyes on his mask widened in surprise,it was the first I'd replied after everyone's attempts,"Can y'all stop breathing so much?"I heaved a breath,falling forward and I didn't quite care that I looked about as attractive as a blob fish because oxygen wasn't working anymore. Spider-Man catches my shoulders,"We've got help on the way.Just hold it out a little longer okay? Please?"

He was just a boy.

I cough in response and then rest my oh-so heavy and pounding head on his shoulder as I hug myself tighter.I can't even see anymore,"It hurts." I accidentally whisper aloud.

"Please everyone come closer.I-"My breath is snatched before I can finish my sentence and shield contracts,plling everyone to its centripetal force : me.

I shudder,feeling the cold of the night finally creeping into me but then I realise it's something colder and more lonely fighting to grab us all. It was death. And the only thing to keep it at bay was my mind.

Death would be mercy.

Because this was a hundred times worse than any torture I had ever been through.Not even the electrocutions and multiple knife tests put together because this was fire.

A pure raging monster with no spur of intent but to consume and totally unwieldly of any control.

Sobs racked my body and I needed to scream but I didn't even have the energy to keep myself warm.

"It's okay.You're doing so good."Mystery boy whispered wrapping his arms around me to insulate my corpse.

"Your heartbeat!It's slowing! Come on.Please!"Spider-Man pleaded,lightly flicking my arm to in attempt to retain my consciousness but the lights were flickering,ready to go out. I don't want to go. Especially if this is what hell feels like,even though I deserve it after all the cold-blooded murder.They may have been bad but where did my sense go? Why couldn't we have thought of a better way.Listen to yourself there was no safer way,you had an army of children for god's sake.I should've- Just stop.Nothing else matters now,save these people Agent Darren.

Commit to the movement,Ms Hill's voice echoed in my head.

Then the strangest thing began happening,I was absorbing their energy.Skylar and the 3 other people's energy but they weren't strong enough to stay conscious.I recognise these people though.I know two of them.

I gasp in surprise as the bubble strengthened considerably and oxygen was working again.

"Help is here.You can drop the shield now.Everything is fine."He said reassuringly. That voice anchored me back and heat rushed back into my body.

I looked up into his masked eyes as he gave me a slight nod.I wonder how he breathes through that thing.

I brought my hand up to his heart just to make sure this is real and not another trick of my mind to doom us.I could feel the steady thump-thump beneath my palm.

"Is this real?"I whispered uncertainly.Gosh Kiara,have you learnt nothing from movies? You don't go asking if anyone is there when you hear a noise!

"Yes.Yes!You did it!"He sounded like he'd been crying.Did I upset him? I can barely remember anything and everything is so blurry.

Why was this one good? He was good. He was truly a good person and didn't want to harm me,had nothing to gain from me but still cradled me close to his chest. When did I get here? I don't remember being lifted.

"It's time to sleep now."I said,relaxing into his arms.

The last thing I saw was mystery boy's frantic unmasked face.

((Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed that :D))

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