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1. In wattie yes mi wife♡ in irl no
2.I hope 😞😳
3. Don't have any~
4.Taken on wattie and single forever and in irl!
5.One of my bff
7. I have 3 in irl and anyone that I interact with alot on here that considers  themself a wemen:>
8. I don't have one, but I do have a joking guy frienemy, and in wattie same with le wemen but boiz
9. Hmm....I don't really know? I guess my forever favourite is Aph RusAme and platonic big bro Iggy and babi Ame =)
10. Okay, so I was into bfb, and I found this incorrect quotes book [which I still have in my libary, its my first book I've read on here) and I saw that I could make a account and yaa :)
11. (as I was screen shoting it I got a French ad???-)

 (as I was screen shoting it I got a French ad???-)

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11. April, 10 :)


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