Death discovery

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No one POV

"Okay, Neji use your byakugan one more time to see if you see anything that will help us find Naruto!" Gai ordered. Neji did and looked around while jumping on to tree to tree to get a better view.

"Nothing." Neji said and jump back down.

"It's been 2 days, we need to find him before tomorrow, we don't want it to become like last time we saved a jinchuriki...." Kakashi said.

"I h-hope N-Naruto is okay.." Hinata said with her head turning down. Kiba hugged her in comfort.

Read this to understand a information that I need you to know. Kiba and Hinata are dating in this fanfic. I don't want Hinata to become too depressed when she find out Naruto dead. Plus I kinda like Kiba x Hinata I think it's cute in my opinion. Just my opinion okay. So Kiba and Hinata are dating in this fanfic.

"We should get going we don't have much time." Asuma said. They all nodded.

4 hours later
Still no one POV

They were all exhausted of looking and running to find there comrade of hope. They all hope they don't fail Naruto. They were in a place where there was a lot of caves and where no one goes, it was an abandon place where all strange people with mask use to go. But what they don't know is that this place is where Danzo roots go to rest and camp. The camp had dozen of small and big caves. " This place was abandon a long time ago, do you think the Akatsuki hid Naruto?" Shino asked.

"It abandon and have a lot of caves that can give us a hard time, plus since the Akatsuki weren't in there base where we found Gaara then they knew we were coming, so they would've hid home here , Naruto where are you?" Shikamaru whispered in the last part .

"Alright, we should split up, until we find him. Gai, Lee you go check the bottom corners of the caves, Neji, Tenten you go check the top corner of caves, Sakura, ino you check the left side of the caves, Kiba, hinata, check the right side. Everyone else let's check the middle but we need groups of two just in case one of us are in trouble , Shikamaru, Choji . Shino and Kurenia. Yamato, Sai, your with me. Here take these tags to mark you check the caves." Kakashi said ask he hand out tags to everyone. They nodded and started to search.

Meanwhile with Shikamaru and Choji , they were checking their 5th cave.  "Why didn't the Akatsuki just take the beast out of Naruto, even if they know we would look for him in their little hideout?" Choji question Shikamaru.

"Probably because they knew and we would have to check that place again, or they found out another way to extract the tailed beast with another way...." Shikamaru answered.

"Ugh these caves give me a creeps, to bad I ate all my snacks already." Choji said. Shikamaru look at Choji while entering another tunnel in the cave.

"Heh whenever you're going to stop thinking about foo-" Shikamaru cut himself out as he see Choji with widen eyes look toward something. Shikamaru look at him and look at the place where he was looking at.

Holy shit

      What they saw was Naruto bleeding, his whole body was messed up, one of his eye looked like it had been stabbed. What monster WOULD DO THIS TO THE PERSON THAT BROUGHT THEM HOPE ( Rip Chiaki from danganropa 💀) they also saw some dried blood tears coming from the stabbed eye. They both from tears.Shikamaru and Choji couldn't handle it. First Asuma than Naruto. Those people they most loved are gone.

"S-sh-ikamaru I-is the-re a-ny ho-pe he Ali-ve?" Choji choked out as he couldn't breathe. Shikamaru let his tears go, he didn't care that someone was looking at him. He only cared that one of his best friends were gone. They approach the body. Shikamaru check his pulse. Cold. His body was cold it seemed that it wasn't too long that he have been gone.

"N-no it can't be... PLEASE NARUTO TELL ME THIS ISNT TRUE!" Shikamaru yelled . He hope it was just some kind of sick prank. If it is. It's not funny.

"Sho-uld we t-tell th- ot-hers? " Choji choked out. He couldn't handle this.

"C-can y-ou get the others, pl-ease?" Shikamaru said not wanting to leave Naruto side. Choji was shocked that Shikamaru said please but he understand. He also couldn't see Naruto like this. He ran to inform the others.

"N-naruto I'm so so so sorry.... please forgive us." Shikamaru said. They failed to save Naruto.

"CHOJI WHATS WRONG?!" Kakashi said getting worried when he saw Choji with tears in his eyes.

"W-we failed...." Choji said looking down the ground. Kakashi and Sai were confused. But soon they got the message.

"N-no it can't be!" Kakashi said hoping its not what Choji meant.

"Naruto.." Sai said under his breath with a terror written all over his face.

Yamato widen his eyes, put his head down then looked at Kakashi, he saw the pain in Kakashi eyes.


       Once everyone got the message they decided to see the body and saw Shikamaru sitting next to it, making sure nothing happened to him. When they all saw Naruto they didn't feel like themselves anymore.

        Kakashi felt like he failed his Sensei and his two students, he looked up so tears don't come quick out of his eyes. Sakura had tears forming in her eyes, Naruto had always been there to save her in the past. Sai had just a dead face, but inside he was breaking down. Kurenia felt bad for Kakashi, he had to deal with these unfortunate events. Kiba was dropped to his knees next to Shikamaru, he remembered how Naruto always be there for others, but they were not there for him. Gai and Lee didn't feel like their Youthful selves . Hinata had tears falling from her eyes, she wasn't happy on what she saw, Kiba got up and hugged her then started to comfort her. Ino felt like she wanted to take a break from the world from what it has come to. Choji and Shikamaru were to heart broken they had two people, they wanted to grow up with, dead. Shino put his head down, hoping Naruto is happy on where he is now. Yamato remember all the times where Naruto have been helping everyone they know.

      Kakashi pick up the body, then they decided to return to the village. Cloud started to turn grey as Naruto dead eyes, rain filled on him and his friends. Once they brought him back to the village. People looked in horror. Naruto deserved better. The villagers knew some of them abused him and tried to kill him in the past. But when they trusted Naruto something else killed him. The villagers were disappointed and sad, he truly deserved better. Kakashi and the others decided to tell Danzo about this. When they enter Danzo put on a fake shocked face.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Danzo said with his fake sound voice.

"Naruto was found at one of those abandon caves...." Yamato said because he knew Kakashi doesn't want to talk.

"....I see, did you see anything that we might know who could do this?" Danzo asked still in his act.

"N-no.." Shikamaru answered, still having dried tears in his face.

"We should tell everyone because what happened is very tragic, everyone needs to know." Danzo said. "Get the body ready for burial..." Danzo said putting his head down.

"Hai...." they said and sadly walked away. They knew there were more people like them that had a great bond with Naruto.


Wait did you think it was the end of this fanfic?


Did you forget in the summary Naruto becomes alive again. So stay tune for the next chapter. I'm sure you don't want to miss it.

Anyway thank you for the support and I hope you guys have a nice day. Love you. 1372 words. Bye

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