The Buddy System

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Willow Queensbury laid on her side in the sleeping bag, the tent making quiet noises in the wind. She and her camp buddy Becca had both agreed to leave the little crank-powered lamp on up near their heads, neither girl comfortable with complete darkness. They were on a three day hike, and had set up their tents where Camp Counselor Elio had told them to. Willow was dozing, comfy and warm in her mound of nylon and polyester.

She didn't move when she heard Becca shift, the slide of silky sleeping bag material hissing against the plastic-y tent easily rising over the sound of the breeze outside. "'M goin' to the bathroom." she mumbled. "Be right back."

"'Kay." Willow answered, not even opening her eyes. She listened to Becca climb out of her sleeping back, unzip the tent door, then close it behind herself.

Minutes went by in the rushing of the breeze and the ocean-like sound of all the trees in the wind. That turned into hours. Willow was still awake when the sun rose, and her camp buddy still wasn't back. Camp counselor Elio only shrugged, bloodred circular glasses reflecting the dawn.

They eventually found her later that morning, where she'd fallen in a ditch and twisted her ankle. She was fine, but needed a brace, an ice pack, and had to sit out of some of the activities. Willow sat out with her. It wasn't safe to go anywhere without your buddy for too long and they'd given each other a scare.

The next night, a voice outside the tent asked Willow to open the door. "Let me in." They asked. It was Becca's voice, but Becca is in the sleeping bag next to her, snoring lightly on benadryl.

"Let me in." they ask again, and something is shaking the tent lightly, "Buddies need to stick together."

"I'm sorry." Willow said, then slid her sleeping back closer to Becca's, and shut her eyes.

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