Chapter One || Injuries ||

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For context, this is taking place during the time of team Minato. Before anything happened. Kakashi is fifteen, as well as Obito, and rin. Everyone is still alive. Naruto, Sasuke, and the others have not been born yet. More context on what is happening will be revealed over time in the story. + cover image - lwisf3rxd on DeviantArt 

Third Person POV

Minato's Team is out on one of their missions northwest of the hidden leaf village close to the hidden waterfall village. In one of the more dense forests. A simple scouting mission that is set to last around one week. They had roughly gotten to their set point to start setting up camp. They were about two days into the mission. Once confirming this was the correct spot Minato went out to start getting firewood. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito are working on setting up the main camp. Obito was in charge of setting up the supplies and organizing them while Kakashi was setting up the tents. Rin was looking around the surrounding area and marking down what she saw and if there were any noticeable threats in the close area into her logbook.

As Rin was looking around and jotting things down she could sense the presence of someone else in the area. It was very small but didn't feel like it was trying to hide. Taking a deep breath, and slightly on nerve she quietly headed towards the area, that she could feel the presence. There she spotted a young boy with dirty blond hair lying against a tree. Surprised she decided to look closer. Looking a bit closer to see he was unresponsive. Suddenly the scent of blood filling her nostrils. Without a second thought, she quickly ran to the boy to help. At first, she tried to nudge the boy to wake him up or get any type of response out of him. Nothing, nothing at all. Quickly she moved to where she could see and feel the blood coming from. tearing the side of the boy's right pant leg only to gasped in horror.

With the other two, Minato had finished gathering the firewood and was back with the other boys. Obito was growing worried as it has been a long time since Rin headed out to scope out the area. Sure no one in the group heard anything that would indicate that she was in danger but it had been a long time. As another ten minutes passed Obito was becoming restless. "Maybe we should go check and see if she is ok?" He started to ask the group. But then there were the loud sounds of breaking sticks and rustling of leaves coming towards the campsite. Minato quickly stood onto his feet moving in front of the young boys with him. Obito letting out a squeak in surprise while Kakashi became on edge getting into a prepared stance for an intruder. Only causing him to light out a small sigh as he saw Rin come into view. Obito immediately could sense that something was wrong as Rin ran up to them in a frantic state. "Calm down Rin, take a deep breath and what is wro- Are you ok?! Why is their blood on your hands and sleeves ?!" Minato quickly stated switching tones once he noticed the blood. Kakashi quickly ran over to Rin to take her hands to see what happened only to have his eyes widen more. "This isn't your blood isn't it?" he stated looking perplexed at the girl trying to catch her breath in front of him. Finally taking one last deep breath Rin spoke, "This boy, he needs our help! I couldn't carry him here but he's injured really bad!" she said frantically to the group. Obito's eyes widened listening to was Rin was telling them. Though he was relieved that it was not her who was injured.

She took the group quickly back to where she had found the injured boy. As the group grew closer Minato's eyes widened as they looked at the boy coming into view. "It's his right leg it has a huge gash in the backside of it. It looks like it was a kunai knife that was used." She stated in a worried tone. Looking at the boy, he seemed as if he was around the ages of thirteen to fifteen. His skin unhealthy pale with a lack of color. Most likely due to blood loss. With shallow breaths and the slight rising and falling of his chest. Minato carefully picked the boy up into his arms. "We'll take him back to the campsite to heal and bandage him up." He said in a calm voice. "Sensei! We can't do that how do we know if he is a threat!" Kakakshi quickly rebuttal what Minato stated. "He's injured how much of a threat can he even be! He doesn't even look that old, he looks to be the same age as us!" Obito argued back to his teammate. "You two, stop it," Minato said irritatingly. As they started back to the campsite.

Once at the campsite Minato brought the young boy into the larger ten as Rin followed in to help him with the injured boy. Kakashi leaned up against a tree letting out an annoyed sigh.

Kakashi POV

Why do we even have to do this? For all, we know this could be a trap or maybe he's dangerous. Not that we wouldn't be able to take him down. Just that this is sidetracking from the original purpose of the mission. This is frustrating. Lost in thought Obito walked up in front of me. "Why are you being so rude Kakashi?" He questioned in a harsh tone. "It's not like he's a threat to us, and if we don't help him all we know he could die alone out there!" He continued to state. This is annoying Obito you never think about the importance of following the mission, I thought. "We have a job to do. Not this." I simpled stated annoyed with the ignorant boy in front of me. Walking away to the river not that far away from the tents. This new kid will be nothing but trouble. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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