Chapter 21

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Pepper was getting into the swing of things by the end of the week. It was Friday and she had meetings that could not be rescheduled. She usually tried to leave early but since her absence from work was so long she had people who were waiting months to meet with her and she wanted to cram her days. She picked up the phone to call Tony.

She explained to him that she had a dinner meeting with some clients and she could hear the disappointment in his voice. He understood but he was so used to having her home that it was easy for him to get lonely and get jealous since she was in a vulnerable position and he wasn't entirely sure how she felt about him.

Pepper got into the limo as Happy drove her to the meeting site. She opened her personal email which she hadn't checked in a day or two since she was so bogged down by work. She clicked the new mail button and a shiver went down her spine. There were fourteen emails from Brad. Pepper was tempted to read them but decided against it. She swiped each one until they were deleted and Happy pulled up to the restaurant.

"Thanks Happy. Hopefully we won't be too long," she said as she entered the building.

As soon as she hit the hostess station she was greeted by Damien Baxter. He was a newcomer with a reputation much like Tony had in the past.

He put his hand on the small of her back as they walked to their table and she moved out of his reach swiftly and sat down.

"I must say it's a pleasure to meet with you. You're not an easy woman to get a meeting with," he said.

"Well I was on a medical leave and my husband was taking care of things and he held off certain types of meetings for a while. I'm back to work now and I reinstated them,"

"Yes you're the famous assistant that got Tony Stark to settle down. It makes me wonder what you're capable of to tame a man like him," he said in a flirtatious matter.

Pepper stared him right in the face and said "Listen Damien I know how this works for you. You pitch an idea and get the woman in your bed and get them to sign whatever you need but that won't happen with me. I don't know what you're used to or what you thought was going to happen but I'm missing dinner with my kids for this meeting so I'd appreciate it if we stick to business," she said.

"Relax have a drink. There's plenty of time for business," he said.

What an ass, Pepper thought.

"You know on second thought I'm going to go. I thought this was a serious meeting and I was interested in your pitch but this was obviously a mistake," Pepper said getting up from the table.

"Wait please," he said standing up as well.

Pepper text Happy that she was ready to leave. Pepper kept walking and got into the car.

"You ok?" Happy asked.

"Yeah I just want to get home,"

Pepper decided not to call Tony. She wanted to suprise him.

Pepper was about to walk through the door when the front door opened and Tony was walking out with the kids.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting. I was taking the kids out to dinner," he explained.

"We're gonna have cheeseburgers," Morgan said.

Pepper smiled.

"Ok let's go have cheeseburgers," she said.

"You want to tell me what happened?" he asked as they got in the car.

"I went to the dinner and as soon as I got there it was clear to me what he really wanted so I left," she said.

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