Life update

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(6 Months later)

A/N: I finally finished this fic! And will be posting it all. So please enjoy and vote! All fan art was found on google, I own nothing. 💕

Being that she was about to hit her third and final trimester she was feeling so horrible. But knowing that the little baby inside her would be here soon was all she cared about.
It had been months since she had returned to the LA institute. She missed it so much. It was her home, and she knew it wouldn't be that much longer until she could go back to LA. Although, they hadn't quite figured out how to tell the others yet. And this secret was weighing on both her and Julian. But they'd both agreed that it should be kept a secret for now. If anyone could cause trouble for them all. Not that she didn't trust the kids with the secret. But it could easily slip out. And with the mortal sword, the truth would come out.
She had the best support system though. Clary and Jace had been amazing through this all. Giving her advice and supporting her with mood swings, weird cravings, and bodily weirdness.
Who knew you would have excessive gas and so much digestive problems. When her clothes no longer fit her Clary gave her some of her old maternity clothes. And brought some new ones when they went shopping.
Today she was having lunch with Clary. For some reason she wanted the pear fairie salad  at Taki's Diner.
It was the only place where she could keep the food down.
So there were many deliveries each week. And when Jules visited he made sure she got whatever she wanted. Even if it were some weird combination of chocolate and bologna together.
They'd even found a small apartment rental for when he visited her. It was those moments that she cherished the most.
Most of the time he would be hovering or worrying about them both. But she reassured him that everything was fine. And it had to be like this for now.
He was going to be visiting her today. With her due date coming up, he was going to be staying a few weeks to help her get ready for the birth.

Sitting at the diner with their food the two talked about whether Emma had decided on a name yet. And to be honest she had so many lists of them. It was so hard to choose a name for someone you haven't met yet.
And it was a big decision. It had to be perfect. One where the kid wouldn't end up resenting the parents for some weird name they'd come up with.
Like some they had vetoed immediately. 'Thorn, Dawn, Coral, Blossom'. Those were too on the nose with nature and Julian's last name.
Her mom had been on her mind a lot lately. But would naming her after her be too weird? She would have the same name as her mom and the same middle name as grandmother. Cordelia would be a great name though. It was way too complicated to think about.
And on that note they paid the bill and had gotten up to leave.
That's when all hell broke loose! Some werewolf girl had gotten into a fight with a warlock and there was growling and blue magic thrown everywhere.
She tried to duck out of the way but was pushed by someone in their frantic need to get out of the place. It was all so hectic. And the last thing she remembered was the darkness of a cloud going over her body. Then complete darkness...

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