Green Bottles (Epilogue)

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Vilkas woke with a smile on his face as he rolled over to find Lillia still sleeping soundly beside him. He reached over and wrapped his arm around her middle, pulling her back against his chest. She hummed a sleepy approval as he kissed the back of her neck and began to run his hands across her... he grinned as touching her skin brought back memories of the night before...

Their wedding night...

Vilkas had been fairly certain that he wanted to marry Lillia ever since she cleansed his beast blood. After traveling with her for a week he knew for sure. He'd bought an amulet of Mara when they went to Riften for Farkas's and Lydia's wedding... and then it took him a few more months to get the nerve to actually propose.

At least by then he had been fairly confident of her answer, and he wasn't surprised. She'd excitedly agreed and they had a classic, simple wedding at the temple of Mara, with Farkas and Lydia in attendance... and then an absolutely lovely —if a little awkward— night at the inn.

Vilkas began slowly waking her up, gently caressing her hip and thigh, and placing light kisses along her neck and shoulder as he pulled her body flush against his own with her back to his chest. He couldn't help but grin contentedly as she sighed his name in her sleep. He began kissing her a little more insistently and let his hands roam further...

He found a ticklish spot along her side, just beneath her ribs, and soon she was squirming awake, giggling in his arms. To his further delight, as she squirmed to avoid his tickling, she rolled to face him and began returning his kisses. Then she draped her leg over his hip and pulled him closer, and Vilkas was blissfully lost in the moment...

Or rather, several more long moments of not getting out of bed.

In fact, it was quite late in the morning by the time they finally began to get cleaned up, dressed, and then packed for the day.

Vilkas found himself just watching with a loving smile as Lillia finished getting dressed and then organized a few things into her gear pack and her potion satchel. The glint of a green bottle caught his attention as she adjusted her stamina potions and his mind jumped back to that first morning she'd woken him in his room... apparently saving his stupid ass... she never had given him more explanation than that...

He also recalled Farkas's attempted explanation for that...

With a smirk, Vilkas stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling one of the stamina potions back out of her satchel.

"Harbinger, what's this?" He asked in a teasing tone as he kissed the side of her neck.

"It's a potion," she replied, matching his teasing tone with a sweet smile.

Vilkas loosened his grip, letting her turn in his arms to face him, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders before leaning in for a long, loving kiss.

"You know, my love," Vilkas whispered when their lips parted again, "you've still never told me what brought you to my room that fateful morning..."

Lillia leaned back to look into his eyes with a slight blush across her cheeks. "Truthfully," she began sheepishly, "you."

Vilkas cocked his head at that with a surprised smirk on his face.

"I'd taken interest in you quite some time before that," she admitted, "Lydia finally convinced me to stop being shy and go ask you to accompany me for a job."

"I see," Vilkas grinned, "I never knew you were shy..."

"I guess I got a little too angry to be shy when I found the poison," she nodded, giving him a mildly accusing smirk at that.

"And I couldn't be more glad that you did, love," Vilkas said sincerely before kissing her again.

Her arms wrapped more tightly around him as she eagerly kissed him back, and Vilkas realized they were never going to leave the inn at this rate... and he was ok with that...

"It looks to me..." he breathed between kisses, "like you've got... enough stamina potions there... for me to just go book this room for another night."

"Mmmm," she approved, kissing him a little more eagerly. "And I know where to buy more here in Riften," she smiled.

Vilkas pulled back to down the stamina potion as their armor came back off.

They spent the rest of the week enjoying the privacy of the tavern —and using up a few stamina potions— before getting reluctantly back to life as usual...

Or at least to almost life as usual... several things began changing quickly once they got home.

Vilkas got settled into the harbinger's chambers with his beautiful wife, leaving Farkas and Lydia to expand their living space to include his old bedroom.

And it wasn't many months longer before Tilma was excitedly helping both couples prepare for the next generation of Jorrvaskr's warriors. Vilkas had never been so happy.

As the years passed he found several good reasons to keep a stash of certain green bottles, even though he never needed a sleeping draught again.

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