First Love (2)

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When they were whelps Lysabelle had been one of the girls who had run around the streets of Whiterun playing tag with him and his brother and their friends.

Vilkas used to love 'tagging' her by catching hold of one of her braided pigtails... he never pulled her hair hard— not intentionally at least... he couldn't help it when she tried to keep running and would stumble back into him with a startled cry...

Vilkas would smirk at her, with a cocky "tag, you're it," before letting go and taking off down the street, but he always looked back to catch a glimpse of that angry flush across her cheeks.

When he got a bit older Vilkas realized that that had actually been rather mean... he also realized exactly why he'd enjoyed it so much...

It was around his thirteenth year when he first began to imagine things like catching her by her waist instead of her hair... of spinning her into his arms and holding her there... unfortunately they were a little too old for playing tag by then, and Lysabelle would almost always be off somewhere, tucked away inside, doing 'girl things' with Adrianne and Lydia...

But occasionally Thorald's younger brother would convince the older boys to join in their games as well, and when that happened, Ulfberth usually managed to convince the girls to come out and join them as well...

Vilkas would sometimes pretend to trip so Avulstein or Idolaf could tag him, and then he could go chasing after Lysabelle. He didn't pull her hair anymore, and he never quite caught her in his arms like he wanted to... until one fateful day...

...And of course that had to be the memory that flooded his mind now as Lysabelle's spell drove the alcohol fog away...

Vilkas was in his sixteenth year, and Lysabelle in her fifteenth...

The opportunities to get out and goof off like they had when they were younger had become few and far between, but that day the weather was cool with a crisp breeze, and Vilkas and Farkas could hear their friends yelling and laughing from the training yard.

For once, Skjor had actually relented and told them to go work up a sweat entertaining the local whelps.

The brothers had excitedly raced around the side of the building to find poor little Ysolda was 'it' and no one was cutting the child any slack.

The brothers both dashed down the stairs, but then Farkas had either managed to fake-trip before Vilkas did, or he'd actually tripped because Farkas sank his boot into the aqueduct that went around the Gildergreen, and went sprawling across the street. Ysolda gleefully ran up and tagged him, so Vilkas quickly took off toward the rest of the group so as not to be caught by his brother.

Farkas was quick to get to his feet and chase down Lydia... then Lydia promptly ran down Idolaf after the boy had declared he'd never be caught by a girl.

Vilkas pretended not to notice Idolaf had been tagged so when Idolaf tagged him he got to retort with, "I didn't know you were 'it,' I thought you wouldn't be caught by a girl!"

Idolaf had responded with something rude that would likely have had Olfrid tanning his hide if he'd heard it, but Vilkas was barely listening.

He took off toward the group of girls.

Lysabelle quickly realized he was specifically after her and went darting off behind buildings in an effort to lose him. Vilkas kept on her heels, watching and appreciating the way her green dress hugged the curves of her hips...

Then she rounded a corner and skidded to a stop to avoid crashing into a stone wall as she came to a dead-end. Vilkas almost crashed into her with her sudden stop, but managed to stop with both hands against the wall... on either side of Lysabelle.

For several moments they both just stared at each other, breathing heavily. Vilkas marveled at the way her green dress made the green in her eyes stand out... and at the way he could see that her breasts had filled in so nicely while she was right there, so close to him with her chest heaving...

He wondered if she had run into a secluded dead-end on purpose...

Vilkas smirked as he looked back to her face to find her cheeks were flushed a dark pink.

"Tag, you're it," he whispered with a slight chuckle.

"You actually haven't touched me yet," Lysabelle countered with a slight smirk of her own...

Vilkas's heart skipped... it sounded like a challenge...

Vilkas had long ago lost count of how many nights he had dreamed of catching her almost just like this... the things he'd imagined he'd do from here...

But the shouts and laughs of their friends told Vilkas their moment of privacy wouldn't last.

Before he could panic or lose his nerve, Vilkas surged forward and kissed her lips.

"Now you're it," he grinned and then darted away from her before anyone saw them.

He'd been grinning like an idiot the rest of the day...

...A stark contrast to the ache he felt in his chest now as Lysabelle's spell faded...

By Ysmir, Vilkas wished he couldn't remember their first kiss so clearly...

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