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y/n= your name
y/l/n = your last name

basically just you and toms childhood

age 2:
"y/n come on don't be shy," you mum said as you hid behind her leg. "this is tom, your new friend!"

i start at the doe eyed boy infront me, grinning his cheesy grin and smile back at him, before stepping forward.

age 4:

"mummy, daddy! Me and Tom are getting married!" i laughed holding toms hand as we stood in the living room.
"oh goodness!" mum laughed as she pulled out her phone to take a picture, and tom kissed me on the cheek.

age 8:
"Tom! Don't be such a sore loser pass me the ball! PASS ME THE BALL," i yelled as me and tom ran around in his garden playing football before dinner.
"COME AND GET IT THEN," Tom laughed as i ran over to chase him, trying to tackle him.
"hey- HEY DONT GRAB MY SHIRT THATS CHEATING!!" he says as he pushes his hair back.
"tom, y/n dinners ready!!" nikki shouts through the window, and tom takes my hand and pulls me inside.

age 12:
"shut up tom there's no way you're faster than me," i say, as we lay on the couch watching tv.
"uhm excuse me? of course i'm faster than you! i always have been!" he says pushing his foot in my face.
"eww gross! get ur smelly foot out of my face dumbass, and come and prove you're faster than me!" i jump off the couch and point to his garden.
"what you want to race me? that's so lame! what are we, 9?" he laughs.
"you just know i'll beat you," i tease
"fine whatever, from one end of the garden to another-"
"-and back!"
"right okay and back then let's go,"

i stood with one hand on the fence and the other positioned in front of me. "on your marks.." i began, "GO!"
i sprinted off, tom close behind me and reached the end of his garden and not wasting any time i sprinted back, way ahead of tom.
"HAHA LOSER I WIN," i cheer as i jumped up and down.
"whatever dork i let you win," he smirks
"yeah yeah sUrE yOu DiD," i tease.

age 16:
"YES I AM AND STOP SHOUTING SO LOUD!! COME OVER TO MINE WE'RE CELEBRATING!! ITS A GOOD JOB I LIVE NEXT DOOR!!" i can almost hear the smile in his voice as i end the call and race downstairs.

"MUM!!" i shout as i run into the living room. "TOMS GONNA BE IN A MOVIE!! IM GOING OVER TO CELEBRATE WITH HIM NOW ARE YOU COMING?!"
"WAIT OMG YES COME ON LETS GO!" my mum shouted and we raced over to toms.

i knocked on the door excitement flooding through my body. Nikki opened the door a huge smile on her face. "Come in come in!!" she beamed
and i raced past her as tom ran down the stairs. I leapt into his arms in a massive hug and wrapped my legs round his waist.
"Oh god i'm so proud of you," i said my voice thick with tears.
"God y/n don't you start crying you're worst than my mum" he said hugging me tight and kissing my cheek.
"come on! let's go and celebrate!!"


hey guys author here, just wanted to ask if you enjoyed this chapter. it's a bit shorter than what i'd usually write but it's more of just an idea of you and toms childhood. anyways ily <3

always and forever ~ tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now