Pain and Forgiveness

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Leon's POV
I woke up in a hospital. That's when memories and thoughts took over my mind. Why would she do this? I thought we had a connection, apparently I was the only one who thought that. Ugh. I don't want to ever see or talk to her again. That's the right thing to do. I think. My life is so messed up right now. I am injured in the hospital. The girl I like hates me. I don't even know why. I didn't do anything to her. Did I? No I didn't. I would have remembered if I did. Just then the door swung open violently and standing in front of me was the demon who did this to me.

L: What do you want?

I asked really coldly. I mean how would you treat a person who did what she did to me.

V: Look I'm really sorry I never meant t-

I cut her off in a very rude way but she deserves it. That's sounds mean but if you were in my shoes it sounds natural.

L: Didn't mean to do what? Injure me? Hurt me? Kill me?

Violetta's POV
Those last two words stung like a knife in the gut. He hates me. I can't blame him because if someone did what I did I would have hated them too. I love him and I regret doing that to him so much that I couldn't sleep for days that's why I came as soon as I felt something was happening.

V: I-I
L: Stop Violetta! Just stop! If you think that I will forgive you than I suggest you just go home because that's never gonna happen!
V: Leon, I'm sorry I just-
L: Just what! Stop saying that! I get that you were mad but I don't get why anyone would do that.
V: Just let me explain-
L: I'm tired of you explaining because no excuse will cover this.
L: What?
V: My mother died that day and I just couldn't control the pain. Some one murdered her and when I saw her on the floor blood surrounding her, the person said that if I ever told anyone that he would kill me as well! You kept pressuring me and I couldn't handle it!
L: Vilu, Im so-
V: Don't even bother. What happened to ' no excuse will cover this'
L: I didn't-
V: That's enough I'm leaving!
L: No wait!

I ran down the halls, tears flowing down my face when I bumped into someone.
V: Sor-
I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized who it was. My body became frozen as if I was paralyzed. That person didn't seem to notice how scared I was because they just stood there smirking at me. I couldn't think of any thing else except for this: I AM GONNA DIE!

What did you think?
Let you on a cliff hanger.
Who is the mysterious person?
Will Violetta forgive Leon?
Will he forgive her?
Or will they hate each other forever?

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