Lies and Cries

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Leon's POV
I was at a the race track when Violetta called me but Lara knew that it was Violetta calling so she started telling lies loud enough for Vilu to hear over the phone. Violetta EXPLODED! I have never heard her so mad in my life, what happened to that sweet, innocent and adorable girl I fell in love with. Then again how do I expect her to react after thinking that I was kissing another girl. I had to get her back. I need her. Don't you hear the words HAD and NEED! That means it's not an option it's a matter of life and death. Literally because if I lose her then I lose my life. As a good friend said to me, "Without love what's the point of any of this". After thinking about all of this I lost track of myself only to realize I was right in front of her house.

*Ring Ring*

L: Hello
V: Leon!!!
L: Yes it's me Vilu, I need to talk to you.
V: Well I don't want to talk to you so bye.

She was about to close the door when I pushed it open. I came this far and I am not giving up on love. Not now. Not ever.

V: Leave Leon I don't want to see your face ever again

Tears were streaming down her face. I hurt her. I have to fix this.

L: It's not what it look-
V: That's just an excuse to all your girlfriends
L: Huh?
V: If you do that with every girl you meet that means you cheated on all of them and give them the same stupid excuse. Well you know what Leon? Those other airheads might believe you and forgive you but that won't work on me. I will never forgive you as long as I live.
L: But Vilu please just lis-
V: I'm done listening to you. In fact in case you haven't realized this before this will be the last time I ever look at you. Talk to you. Think about you. Or have anything to do with you.
L: You can't do th-
V: I can and I am.

Before I could say anything else she slammed the door in my face. I just stood there for a while until I put my head in my knees and started sobbing loudly, until I saw him. Glaring at me and looking at me like I was some gum on a strangers shoe. I'm so dead.

?: I'll teach you to mess with her!
L: Wha-

I was cut off by his fist coming in contact with my nose not long after it connected to my gut.

What did you think?
Will Leon win her back?
Or is it over for good?
Will Lara confess?
Who was the man?

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