Chapter 1

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While going through customer by customer , the last one was next. Finally , the white haired male would be able to get home and enjoy his slumber where no one would be able to disturb him. He looked up at the taller male in front of him , noticing the obvious big scar on his face. It seemed to be.. a burn mark? A big burn mark in fact , he wondered how the male was even able to see with that mark on his face. The taller male's black hair looked nice as well , although it was covered by a beanie with a couple cute pins on it that looked like magnets and a duckling.

" Hello ? "

The barista snapped out of his thoughts and apologized to the customer.

" I-I'm sorry , I didn't mean to s-space out on you. " He stuttered.

" No worries , um.. Andrew! You're all good , it happens all the time. "

The male behind the counter tensed up at hearing his name being called and gulped down. He wasn't used to people looking at his name tag , they usually just ordered , picked it up and left. The only time others would call for him are when his co-workers and manager would talk to him. Oh and of course , rude customers who try to tell him how to make their coffee when it's not supposedly the right temperature. Andrew brushed it off and continued with his final piece of work for tonight.

" What may I get for you today? " Andrew asked.

The raven haired male looked at the menu behind the smaller male at the counter and thought about it for a while as he kept the Barista waiting. Did this guy seriously wait all this time in line all for him to not know what to order ? What a waste of time. Andrew was the most annoyed , he simply wanted to get home and rest his eyes then move onto the next day but it seemed like that wasn't the case right about now. After a few moments of silence and coffee beans breaking up being heard, the black haired man spoke up.

" I'll get a chocolate croissant and an Iced tea please. If possible , can you heat the croissant up? Like in a microwave you guys might have? " He requested. Andrew nodded his head in agreement and asked for his name.

" Norton. " He replied with a reassuring smile.

Andrew took a cup and began to write down the name, decorating it by adding a simple flower drawing on it. He fought the urge to put a heart next to it as he didn't know why he would in the first place. He walked around his work to the different stations needed to make the iced coffee. While making it, Norton couldn't help but watch the Barista work from a couple feet away , his eyes shifting from Andrew's rosewood eyes to the scars that had been visible on him. Norton wondered why the Barista would hide the other side of their face with his hair and how the scars appeared in the first place, but he was in no good time or place to ask. The burned male took out his phone to check the time, as he did ,  his name was called out. He walked over to the cashier and asked how much it would be.

" Twelve dollars. " Andrew replied.

Norton pulled out his wallet and handed him the cash , a smile plastered on his face.

" Keep the change ~ "

Andrew looked up at him , gritting his teeth in the process. Was this guy serious ? Poor guy didn't get paid enough for this type of shit.

" You handed me ten dollars. You're missing two more. " he said, trying to not show any visible frustration.

Norton's face began to heat up intensely as he started to scratch the back of his neck with a nervous laugh. He was quick to take out two more bucks as he handed them to Andrew and grabbed his drink along with the croissant.

" T-T-Thank you! Have a good night! " The male raced out of the cafe, his face still red from embarrassment.

Andrew let out a sigh , just glad he actually paid the full price and left in a hurry. He will admit, the male seemed very attractive... ah no, he can't think like that. He knew it was wrong to be thinking like that and tried to brush it off as he packed his things up and said goodbye to his manager. The albino male pulled his scarf up to cover his mouth and nose to not let the cold get to him as he walked to his apartment down the road. He couldn't get Norton out of his mind , his smile. There was something about that smile that just made him continue to think about him. Andrew tried his best to brush off the thoughts and figured they would go away as soon as he got home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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