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"You mean you do it bare?"

No, that's not what I meant at all!

I kept thinking about her question for a long time while leaning back on the kitchen chair and listening to the water run in the bathroom. Why would she ask me such a question? That wasn't normal at all. Or...was it? Maybe I was the one who didn't know what was normal and what wasn't. She must have been experienced in those kinds of things, maybe she was more social and got along well with other people.

When she finally got out of the shower, she put the wet shirt on a coat hanger to dry and took out a spare from her bag. "I took a shower too, I just felt like it", She told me calmly and I ensured her that wasn't an issue. But if someone had walked in on us back then they would surely have gotten the wrong idea. It just looked so...wrong. I began to doubt myself in her presence.

My apartment wasn't very big, or maybe she wasn't comfortable with going somewhere else to get dressed, but out of the blue she took off her towel and reached for the pile of clothes that she'd placed on the chair. "Wait! What are yo-!" I yelped in surprise and covered my eyes with one hand. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me as though I had done something strange.

I wasn't being strange! She was the one with no shame!

"Are you a virgin?" She asked, a bit confused. What? What did that have to do with any of this? "I didn't think so before because I thought you were older, but you look much younger now. Twenty-three...twenty-four maybe?" She brushed her fingers through my hair and studied my face, which must have been completely red by then. "Am I wrong?"

She wasn't wrong...But it wasn't very nice of her to ask something like that, or to come so close to me while not wearing anything. Was she making fun of me because I was awkward? "It's not like that...I had to study hard to upkeep my scholarship in university..."

"But you aren't a NEET, right? Don't you want to do it?" She leaned even closer to me and climbed on my lap. Her weight kept me in place and I didn't really have the guts to push her off either. But all in all, I was too paralysed to do anything about it. Her skin felt warm, so warm. Was it because she had just taken a shower? Or was I imagining it? I wasn't used to those kinds of situations at all, it just never happened to me.

"Tell me when to stop then", She draped her legs over mine and brought her face down to my eye-level.



I feel like I can't breathe properly, I need to gasp for air with every inhale.

I'm panting. Why am I panting?


"You're hard already? I haven't even touched it yet".

I...I know that... I don't know why I'm reacting this way...

She was grinding against me at a slow pace, it felt like she was steering time and I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all because it was new to me. I was supposed to be answering emails and falling asleep in between, then maybe go out and buy groceries later. And then...then just fall asleep and wake up the next day. Who doesn't want that? I wanted that, for every day to be just like the day before, with nothing new to expect and nothing that would force me out of my comfort zone.


It was starting to get stuffy, and warm, so warm that I wanted to get up and open the window but then I remembered that it was already open. "Are you scared?" Her voice asked me, from somewhere, I couldn't really make out her facial features because it was dark and my vision was a bit blurry. I'm not scared!

"Then stay still. What are you even trying to do wriggling like that?" She sounded a bit frustrated by then and I didn't want her to snap at me again so I tried to be quiet and not move so much. But through the haze I could smell something bittersweet, ginger maybe? Was that...my soap?

Then I felt a breeze of cold air to my groin, before a warm hand closed around it. My eyes shot open when I realized that she was holding onto my boner, moving her thumb to my tip and then caressing it. Something that distantly resembled a gasp and a yelp escaped my lips and I threw my head back in anguish. I was so sensitive, but she wasn't paying any attention to that. Or could it be that she was being like that on purpose?

I thought I was going to lose my mind, so, for the sake of my sanity I tried to focus on something else, but that didn't work too well. Her hand was awfully warm and it felt so much better than whenever I had done it myself. The closest I had ever been with a girl was still back in my sophomore year when one of my drunk juniors mistook me for her boyfriend at a frat party. I wasn't the type of guy that girls usually looked for, and I can't say that I was particularly desperate for their attention either. My parents kept saying the same, karoshi, karoshi.

"Mmnh- What are you-!" I gasped when she started to stroke me harder than before and I could feel my climax building up rapidly. Her hand began to get sticky and the sound of her skin touching my flesh intensified. I couldn't contain it anymore, how was I supposed to do that?

"What do you think you're doing? You can't come yet!" She stopped moving and pulled her hand away so I could take a breath and regain myself. With each breath that I took my vision began to clear and my body was no longer trembling as helplessly. I opened my eyes again after shaking off the drowsiness and instantly something wet pressed against my cheek. It was her hand.

"Look at you. You sound like you're going to pass out anytime now", She spoke in a much more tender voice, but that didn't last long. In a matter of seconds I could sense something tight wrap around my tip, squeezing the life out of me. I jerked back on reflex, since I didn't trust her enough yet to be sure she wouldn't try something crazy on me.

"Calm down! I'm just going to slip it on", She assured me and then I saw that she was just putting a condom on it.

I've gone mad.

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