Torao rap

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Alex POV
"Okay this one is about law" I can feel law glaring at me. It's not super sad but let's get it started.

When she said it was about me I started worrying because what if Luffy sees my past and he doesn't like me anymore.
Oh it's starting

3rd POV
"Wow you look really cool torao" luffy said
Everyone agreed at that
" we need to learn more about his devil fruit" akainu thought to himself
   Everyone was sitting there wondering why his devil fruit is kind of over powered. (I don't even know how it works all I know is it's overpowered )
It was at the part where law was shown with blood all around him.
"Wait a sec are you from flevance" (think that's it) Sabo asked
Law sighed and said "yes"
   "How are you still alive" yelled Sabo
"Just keep watching you'll find out" Alex said

Time skip video done

I know people are gonna have questions so mine as well say something before they all start yelling

"Yes as Sabo said I am from flevance and as you know it had disease take over the country we were then executed well my family and everyone else I escaped" I took a deep breath before I continued "Corazon , Doflamingos brother saved me by forcing me to eat the devil fruit I have now"
I tried to contain my anger and sadness as I continued " Doflamingo killed Coeazon his own brother that is one of the main reasons I fought doflamingo"

(Please don't get mad if I got Laws past wrong I am only on episode like 555 or something like that)

Finally i finished why is everyone looking at me like that wait a minute luffy has his big eyes is he crying before I could finish my thought luffy hugged me and was sobbing
"You are so brave and cool torao" luffy cried into my shirt
I sighed "Luffy-ya thank you" I smiled as I hugged him back
I gave Alex a nod to continue before anyone else could question me
Alex POV
"Okay let's continue" I yelled before people could start questioning law

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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