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Cina's point of view

I roll my eyes before hanging up the phone.

"Your child grades in my class have dropped."

Okay call him, not me. I don't know what the hell goes on in school anymore I already graduated. Yeosang, Seonghwa and I stare at each other.

Me: Rock, paper, scissors to decide who's going to do the lecturing?

As always, Yeosang loses. He calls Hwasang into the kitchen, he pauses when he sees our expressions.

Hwasang: It wasn't me it was Jennie.

"Stop blaming me for stuff I didn't do you loser!"

My daughter has supersonic hearing I swear.

Yeosang: Your science teacher called about your grades, she also said you've been skipping her class.
Hwasang: But for good reason!
Yeosang: We're listening.

He shifts on his feet visibly uncomfortable.

Hwasang: Wonnie and I have been skipping because she always says thing about you guys and Aunt Santana's marriage.

I raise an eyebrow.

Me: Such as?
Hwasang: When there's parent teacher conferences she always saids things like oh will the whole team be joining or just the normalized two parents.

I will fuck her up.

As if my husbands can read my mind they give me a look that saids "don't do it".

Hwasang: I guess since she's old she's still conservative. I don't like her class because she makes me uncomfortable with her comments.
Yeosang: I see, well you should never feel uncomfortable in a place where you should be learning. Your dad and mom will go talk to her.

My phone begins to ring and I see it's Santana.

"Cina you not gon' believe what this bitch is saying to our kids!"


Santana and I completely ignore Seonghwa and Hyungwon's pleads. Avengers assemble because we're going whoop thanos ass.

Hyungwon: I know what she's saying is messed up but please don't give this lady a reason to call security.

I tie up my hair while Santana stretches.

Santana: Huh? Watcha' say?
Seonghwa: I pray this lady has some kind of explanation or I'm buying this school and firing her.

We march right to the third floor into her tacky ass classroom. Her eyes widen once she sees up, but her smile never fades.

Teacher: What a surprise!
Me: You called us about our sons the other day, why are you surprised?
Teacher: Ah, that's true. Have a seat.
Hyungwon: I think we should all just stand Mrs.Hui.

She nods.

Teacher: So both boys have been skipping my class for three days straight. They're missing vital information and class work.
Me: Is there any reason why you think they would be skipping?
Teacher: There's no telling what runs through a teenage boy mind Mrs.Choi.

My eyes widen, she know damn well I'm married.

Me: It's Park-Kang.
Teacher: My apologies.


Teacher: Not to mention their grades aren't the best in this class as it is. They need to be in attendance.
Santana: That's weird because their grades are high in the other classes. Maybe it's just this class in particular.

She hums.

Teacher: Could be, science is a tricky subject.
Santana: No not the subject, the teacher. Maybe you aren't a good teacher.
Teacher: With all do respect Mrs.Kang, I've been doing this for over ten years.
Santana: So you've seen all different children with all different backgrounds, correct?
Teacher: Correct.

Seonghwa massages my shoulders.

Santana: So why the hell do you find it appropriate to say anything to our kids about the marriages we're in?

Her eyes widen like a deer caught in head lights.

Teacher: I've never..-
Me: Wonnie told Santana that you do. I asked Hwasang and he confirmed it, our children maybe a lot of things but they aren't liars.

She trips and stumbles under her words

Hyungwon: I understand back in your day things were more boring, but this is a new time; a new era. These kids are loved and taken cared of. So should it really matter how many people their parents are married to?

The audacity of this lady.

Seonghwa: We love our kids and want what's best for them. Being in class is obviously important however, if they feel uncomfortable being in it because their teacher can't mind her business then whatever will we do?

She begins to apologize.

Teacher: It was very inappropriate of me to even mention it. It's just such an interesting thing to see, I meant no harm. Your boys are funny and very smart.
Me: I'll look the other way this one time.
Santana: I agree.

We leave out the school and I pull a carton of eggs from my purse.

Me: Which one is her car again?
Santana: Wonnie said a black saturn!

The two men shake their heads but let us go do our thing.


santana's son is played by KANG DANIEL:

santana's son is played by KANG DANIEL:

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Cina's son Hwasang is played by KUN:

Cina's son Hwasang is played by KUN:

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