The End?

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Togami ran to the hospital carrying Toko on his back. "SOMEONE PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP HER!" A nurse quickly ran to the prince and cried out "Your majesty!? Is anything wrong?! Y-you usually come here when its something very important!" Togami looked at the nurse. Mrs. Tsumiki. "Mikan Tsumiki! Please help this girl!" The prince handed Mikan the bleeding girl and Mikan gave Togami a worried look. "Please! Please help her!" Togami sobbed and Mikan nodded she quickly ran to a room and started a surgery while Togami sat there staring into space. Hours past and Byakuya still stared at the wall. "Byakuya!" a unfamiliar voice shouted out. The blond boy looked up and saw Komaru, Makoto, and Kyoko running up to him. Komaru looked inside the room as Kyoko sat next to Byakuya. "What happened to Toko?!" Makoto shouted out as Mikan shoved curtains to block Komaru's way to see. Togami didn't respond but all he had up was some pink blood he had while Toko was on him.

"There's no way..." Mikan went out of the room to speak but stopped while the prince gave a glance to her. "Fine. You can continue talking." Byakuya said but with a very low voice. Len and Kuro quickly entered the hallway as Mikan was saying Toko isn't gonna make it. "W-wha?" Togami started to cry and kicked the door down. "TOKO! YOUR GONNA BE OKAY RIGHT?" Toko looked at him and gave him a weak grin. Togami looked at her and went so close to her like they were gonna kiss. "Oh god Toko... Stay with me please.." Togami rested his head on Toko's forehead and she smiled. "D-d-don't w-w-worry.." Toko said but very weak and quiet. Togami started to cry and he hugged her. Toko smiled and spoke.

"Even I-if I m-might d-die.. I'll s-still b-be by y-your s-side..."

"Oh Toko.."

"I-I L-l" Toko then fainted as Byakuya saw her faint. He glared at the door and marched all the way to his palace. He slammed his door and went to sleep until the day was over. He was asleep for over a week and didn't leave his room.

{Time skip 1 year Toko still in surgery}

"Byakuya-sama!~" Kuro cried out knocking on Byakuya's door. "What do you want Kurosami." Togami yelled scaring Kuro. "B-Byakuya-sama! Y-you never called me that!" Togami turned off his phone and opened the door for Kuro. "Kurosami Kai. I think its time for you to be called your real name."

Kurosami looked at Byakuya with a scared face. He didn't brush his hair or changed for the past year. "M-master.." Kurosami said. "Go do your job or your banned." Togami slammed the door on her and he fell asleep. Togami woke up after a hour later. He woke up because he heard someone knocking his door. "ugh... Kuro go away!" he groaned shoving his blanket away. The knocking kept coming and there was a voice coming from the other side. "Hey! C-come out!" The voice said. It didn't feel familiar but it was.

"..." Togami opened the door and he saw her. He saw Toko Fukawa.


"Mhm. The one and only!"

"Oh my god... TOKO!!!" Togami went on top on Toko and hugged her. "I missed you so much... How where you managed to l-live?!" Togami yelled starting to cry. Toko rubbed the tears away and went on top of him. "I had special help~"  Toko smirked and started to shove her hand under his suit. "W-wait.." Togami looked around her and she noticed her eyes. Red eyes? "Toko.. What are your eyes? They are r-red now?" Togami said as Jill? Looked at him. Togami
remembered a book he read a long time ago. 2 girls share the same body. One is a poor writer and one is a serial killer. So this must be Jill!

"G-Genocide J-Jill?" Togami stuttered looking at Jill.

"Wowie!! You guessed it all right!" Jill stuck her tounge out laughing. "W-Where's Toko?!" Togami yelled as Jill took out her scissors. "Bleh. That idiot is stuck in the body somewhere, I don't know though!" Jill laughed and started throwing scissors at the wall.

"Jill! Stop this nonsence now!" The prince yelled as he stood up.

"Too bad!" After she said that she sneezed and she fainted.

Togami looked at the body and said. "So this must be the way they transform into the other personality."

Toko woke up and saw Byakuya. "B-Bya- Your Majesty?"

Togami looked at the girl and smirked. He grabbed her clothes and shoved her infront of him. He pulled closer right infront of her face and he was going to kiss her. Until.. "Your Majesty!" A different voice called out. Toko looked over at the girl and it was Yuki. Yuki Rez. "R-Rez! I am so sorry!" Togami called out letting go of Toko.

"O-Oh.. Its fine! You were enjoying stuff with your girlfriend huh?~" Rez responded with a smirk.

"S-She isn't my girlfriend Rez! Oh.. This is Toko Fukawa. Your Head Maid."

"Oh! So is she the one from the surgery?"


Toko looked at Rez with a confused face. Rez smiled and introduced herself. "My name is Yuki Rez! Youngest sibling in the Rez family. I am 18 years old and I am delighted to serve you and the prince no matter what!" Toko looked at the prince and back to Rez. She stood up and asked. "W-Who are the other R-Rez?"
Rez looked at Togami and he nodded. "The other Rez are Kaeya and Hinata. Kaeya is the oldest by 5 months and Hinata is 2 months younger." Togami replied patting both of their heads. "Yes! When you meet them, they will be super nice! Just like Kurosami!"

Toko looked at Rez and Byakuya. "W-Who's Kurosami?-" Byakuya looked at Toko and said "Kurosami is Kuro. Kurosami went by Kuro so know one would know her pathetic name."

Yuki left the room and Byakuya pinned Toko to a wall. "I missed you dummy.." He started grabbing her head and he rested his head on her chest. "Young M-Master?!" Toko cried out as they both heard knocking. "Hey! Its passed 10! Go to sleep!" Kaeya shouted as Byakuya gave the door a straight face. He pushed Toko to bed and slept on her while Toko couldn't sleep.


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