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"Your Majesty! What's going on? Why did I hear yelling?" A voice shouted out. "Don't mind it Yuki. You don't have to worry about it." The commotion went silent. They entered the room and saw it. "Young Master... What did you do.." There was a long pause. The prince slapped Yuki's face until she bled. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" It all went silent. She opened her eyes and saw them. The 2 good friends fighting. The prince and the soon to be head maid. She tried speaking but she couldn't her voice disappeared its like she is under control. She tried screaming and tried to move her body. Both of them didn't see her. She tried moving and screaming again. They still didn't see her. "I'M ONLY DOING THIS TO SAVE HER AND YOU AND ME EVERYONE TO BE EXACT!" The sound went back again. They argued about the body hanging. Oh that's what happened the ex-head maid thought. She kept on screaming and moving. Until her voice came back to her body.

"Thank god! I can speak! Now what are you two arguing about?" This question was useless. She already knew what they were talking about and they both looked at her. "Oh no you don't!" The prince jumped up to her and punched her. The ex-maid moaned then groaned. She didn't know what was happening.. She went into deep sleep after.

Toko woke up and saw her hanging on the wall again. Her mouth was tapped she couldn't talk but she could only scream, but muffled. "Well, well Fukawa. You took a long nap." Byakuya smirked and took the tape off her mouth. "Welcome back sweet heart~" He gave Toko a kiss and he bit her neck. Toko blushed and looked down and the blond boy. She tried to move but she couldn't. She was doomed. Togami looked at her with blood on his face. He kissed her again and smiled. "I couldn't live without you..  It was such a mess.." Togami untied her and started to pin her on the bed. "Kurosami was so annoying.. I had enough of her.." "T-Togami.." Toko kicked Byakuya and yelled "Are you crazy!?" Togami chuckled and replied "Chill.. It was a joke! Relax, I'm not gonna fuck you. But indeed, Kurosami is annoying as fuck." Toko looked away and said. "What have you done to Komaru and the others?" Togami looked at the door. He gave in a sigh and yelled "BRING THE GUARDS NOW!" Toko was shocked and Makoto kicked the door down. 

"Fukawa!!!! We missed you!!" Kyoko, Makoto and the others all jumped on Toko and Byakuya sighed. He was about to leave the room until, "Oh don't you dare! Makoto jumped on Togami and so did the others. It was like a friendship reunion plus Komaru. They all laughed and smiled, they all spent the entire day together. They drew, walked in the garden, ate outside the palace, all the other fun things they had experienced. Later on they where walking on a bridge on a cold night. They saw fireworks in the sky and they all smiled. "Man! I missed doing somthing like this!" Makoto shouted sighing after as Kyoko patted his back.

Togami stopped Toko as he yelled "Go without us! We will catch up!" Toko was confused but they waited until the squad was out from sight. "T-Toko... I wanted to say this for a very long time... You might not share the same emotions b-but.." Togami wished this plan would work but is was worth the shot. "Toko I-.." Toko new what he was gonna say. She shoved her hand in his suit, and kissed him. "Oh Togami~ I love you too~" Toko kept on kissing him until he started moaning quietly. But they had to stop because they where in public. "Oh god... I'm so sorry your majesty!" She apologized and Byakuya smirked. "Wanna continue this when we arrive home?~" Byakuya said walking away. Toko looked at the prince and nodded. She walked with him until they reached with the others, "So Togami! What did you do with Fukawa?~" Aoi asked giving a evil smirk. Togami gave Aoi a glare. He noticed they stopped and Toko was resting her head on his shoulder. "Oh Toko.." All of them walked back to the palace,

Once they all arrived home or Byakuya arrived, all of them were sleeping so Byakuya had to "drag" them. "Hey! Wake up! We are home!" They didn't answer, and Byakuya had to yell at them. Once they woke up they went to their rooms to do their business. The prince dragged the writer, She was still asleep and he brought her to bed. "Oh Toko... My sweet, sweet, Toko.." Togami whispered as biting her neck. "I love you so much!" He went to sleep on her and they cuddled throughout the night.

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