.:: dear depressed ::.

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Every so often people get sad. We all do. Sometimes that sadness lightens itself up. Other times it just gets worse by the second. Just know that this doesn't have to keep going on any further. When I am sad, I read joke books. Those normally cheer me up. I'm here for you, you can talk to me. You don't have to tell me your problems. If you want to just say something like cheer me up. I'll find something. Or if you want to you can pour your heart out to me and I'll like you just the same. No matter what. Even if you dog Nash Grier. (I love him ☪)

Comment here if you're here for everyone.

If you don't want to talk to me, go to one of the people that commented and try and talk to them. I love you guys.

Here's a quick joke;

I hate how chocolate instantly melts in my hands, LIKE AM I THAT HAWT?

Lol but ya be a happy turtle 🐢

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