Chapter 1

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I stood timidly at the back of the line of first years at the entrance feast at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The ceiling of the Great Hall we were standing in was made to look like the brilliant night sky outside, a mix of dark blues and purples speckled with bright stars and a full moon. Just below the ceiling were hundreds of floating candles, lighting up the room. And below them were the 4 house tables; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, and the teachers' table at the front. Many ghosts were also roaming throughout the hall, talking happily to each other, the students, and the teachers. The whole room smelled strangely of muffins. I had read many books on Hogwarts before transferring here from Beauxbatons, but I had never imagined it to be quite this beautiful.
I snapped out of my trance to see that the line of students was moving quickly, and that I would be sorted into my house soon. It filled me with joy to see all the children's faces lighting up as the old hat called out their names and houses.
At Beauxbatons, I had been in the Bellefeuille house. Us members of the Bellefeuille house had a love for nature, and were very loyal and brave when it came to those we loved. We were caring and sensitive to those around us, were hard workers and characteristically book-smart. We were empathetic and put family and friends before all else. I assumed I would be in a similar house here, too. That would probably be either... Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.
I took note of where each of the first years went and sat down, and which tables cheered at their name—Ravenclaw was on the far left, Hufflepuff was in the middle left, Slytherin was in the middle right, and Gryffindor was on the far right.
There were 2 other transfer students in the back of the line with me— twin sisters who said their names were Junko Enoshima and Mukaro Ikusaba. We had talked a bit on the train, and on the ride across the lake. They were both 6th years, one year below me. They both seemed very lively and excited, chatting eagerly amongst themselves. I was quite excited as well, but that excitement quickly turned more and more into nervousness as the twins got to the front of the line and my turn grew closer.
          Junko was first-she pranced up to the wooden stool, sat down, and had the hat placed on her head by a tall woman with black hair in an emerald green cloak whom I had recognized as Professor McGonagall. The tattered, patched old hat was barely on Junko's head for one second before it shouted,
          Junko gave her sister a mischievous smirk before skipping over to the Slytherin table. Mukaro stepped up, and was also very quickly sorted into Slytherin. And now, it was my turn.
          "Nevermind Sonia" called Professor McGonagall, holding the the hat a few feet above the stool. It was quite scary being the only one left, all eyes on me. Well, most eyes. A lot of students had gotten bored and were whispering to their friends, and honestly, I didn't blame them.
          I took a deep breath, walked up to the stool, and sat down. I gulped as I got a better view of so many of the students looking at me. Right, be brave. Be confident. I shook away the fear and stood up straight, and felt the hat be placed on my head.
          "Hmm.... no... oh, gotta be... GRYFFINDOR!"
          The room filled with clapping again, dying down much more quickly this time. McGonagall lifted the hat back up, and I gave her a polite smile before walking to the end of the Gryffindor table, where it looked like the rest of the 7th years were sitting.
          "Welcome!" Said a girl with silver hair tied into braids, glasses, and red eyes. A tan girl with spiky brown hair gave me an excited wave and grin. A boy with pale skin, black and white hair, one red eye and one grey eye, and bandages on his arms scooted over to allow me room to sit. "He's quite handsome." I thought to myself, smiling and sitting down next to him. I considered telling him this—it would be a casual compliment back at Beauxbatons, but here, they might take it the wrong way. Plus, it could be rude to the others, so I decided to keep it to myself.
          I looked back up to the teachers' table to see the headmaster, Dumbledore, a slim man with long white hair and a similar beard, and a long light blue cloak, stepping up to a podium.
          "Welcome, welcome, Hogwarts students! Tonight marks the start of another wonderful year. So, without further ado, let us celebrate!" (AN: I did not fricking know what to have him say help)
          The students cheered and a feast, plates, and silverware appeared on our tables. We happily filled our plates, and a muscly boy with a chain around his neck and black hair spoke up.
          "So, your name is Sonia, right? I'm Nekomaru! Where're ya from?" He asked me.
          "Yes, nice to meet you! I'm transferring from Beauxbatons." I replied.
          "Beauxbatons? I've heard wonderful things about that school. Why have you transferred here? My name is Gundham Tanaka, by the way." The pale boy next to me said.
          "Nice to meet you, yes, it is a lovely school! I came here because my mother was offered a job at the Ministry of Magic here in Scotland."
          "Cool! What was it like there? Oh, and I'm Akane!" Said the brunette girl.
          I felt a tad bit awkward about all these questions aimed at me, but it made sense why they were being asked. "It's pretty similar to here, one difference is that there's just 3 houses instead of 4- Bellefeuile, Papillonlisse, and Obrelune. I was in Bellefeuile."
          "Ah, sounds cool! My name's Hajime." Chimed in a boy with very spiky brown hair.
          "And my name is Peko." Said the silver haired girl.
          "It's very nice to meet you all!" I said.

          The others continued talking excitedly to each other, and asking me about my old school.  I also learned that Nekomaru and Akane were dating, Peko was dating a Slytherin named Fuyuhiko, and Hajime was dating a Slytherin named Nagito. I felt very welcome, I guess all that nervousness was for nothing.
          After the feast, all the houses were walked to their common rooms by the house headmasters. Professor McGonagall showed us to Gryffindor tower and to the common room, telling us the password- 'giraffe hooves' -before we all entered.
          The common room was beautiful. It had dark oak tables, couches, chairs, and rugs with the house colors, various candles, some floating, some on tables, and a big fireplace. 2 staircases on either side of the room lead to the boys' and girls' dormitories. The room smelled like cinnamon.
          I was standing awkwardly by a painting of a lion as the other students went to hang out with their friends, when McGonagall came up to me with Gundham and Peko by her sides.
          "Miss Pekoyama, mister Tanaka, would you be so kind as to show miss Nevermind around? Nevermind, are you ok with that?" Me, Peko, and Gundham all nodded. "Lovely! Pekoyama, show her to her bed in the dorms. Tanaka, would you be kind enough to show her around the school, and to her classes tomorrow? And maybe stick with her for a couple days just to help her get situated?"
          "It would be my honor, Professor." Said Gundham.
          McGonagall thanked them and walked off to talk to some of the first years, leaving the 3 of us to negotiate.
          "Sonia, there's usually a big party in the common room after the feast. But it's already pretty late, and I don't know if you'd rather get some rest, I'll bet you've had a pretty long day. Do you want to stay here, or go to bed? I don't mind either way." Said Peko.
I considered this. She was right, I had had a rather long day-it felt like something else had come up every 5 seconds.. I had dealt with all the traveling stuff (an absolute nightmare, don't even get me started) and dropping off my trunk and barn owl, Brinvillers, and crossing the lake, and getting sorted and meeting so many new people... it was all pretty stressful.
"Would it be alright if I went to bed? I am pretty tired.."
"Of course! Let's go. See you, Gundham." Peko said.
"Goodnight Peko, goodnight Sonia." He replied.
"Goodnight, Gundham! Meet me here tomorrow morning?" I said. He nodded and waved us goodbye and walked off. Peko led me through the crowd of our fellow Gryffindors, and up the staircase on the right of the room into the girls' dorms.
"I'm not sure where your bed is, but I'll help you look for it. You know what your trunk looks like, yes?" Peko said. I nodded and we began walking down the long row of beds, some of them already holding people sleeping, some with people chatting together on them. Peko stopped when we came to one with a pretty looking sword on top of a black trunk on the bed. "This one is mine, so if you need to find me at night or something, this is where I'll probably be."
"Ok! I love your sword, by the way, it's beautiful."
"Thank you!"
We continued down the hall, the floor creaking beneath our feet. Somehow, it added to the homely ambiance of the common room. Finally, we got to a bed with a white trunk that I recognized as mine. It also had my uniform robe, tie, vest, and scarf.
"This one is mine." I looked around at the bedside table and at the foot and sides of the bed. "Do you know where they put owls?"
"Yes, your owl was put in the owlery with the others. It's a big tower outside the castle, Gundham will probably show it to you. Ha, it'll probably be the first thing he shows you, he totally loves animals."
"Ok, thank you! Do you have a pet?"
"Yes, I have a cat named Bumble. She's probably under my bed or my pillows."
"What a cute name! I have a cat at home who's like that, too."
She laughed as she lit the candle by my bed with her wand. "Do you want help putting your stuff away?"
"No, thank you."
"Ok. I'll let you rest now, the bathrooms are all the way at the end down there." Peko said, pointing down the hall.
"Alright, thank you very much, goodnight."
She said goodnight and left, and I began sorting my things. I took my wand out of its holster on my skirt and put it in a small drawer. I sorted my clothes into their respective drawers and put my other things on top of the cabinet and under my bed, then changed out of the uniform grey skirt and white button up that I had gotten before, and into my pajamas. I extinguished the candle and got under the covers, the faint scent of smoke from the candles and the distant chattering of the students in the common room filling the air with a feeling of welcoming and safety.

A.N: "bed" count: too many
Heads up, I'm a very slow writer with a very short attention span and very little motivation, so sorry if the chapters come out really slow 😅
The first 3 chapters will proooobablyyy come out reeelllatively fast???? But idk about the rest of them 👁👄👁💧
Also if you couldn't tell already I can't write
Thanks for reading :)


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