Chapter 2

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AN: this chapter is about 5,000 times worse than chapter one but I don't have the braincells or motivation to fix it

The next morning I met Gundham in the common room, where he was petting 4 hamsters.
"Good morning, Gundham! I greeted, waking over to him by the door.
"Ah, good morning!"
"Your hamsters are adorable!"
"Thank you!" Gundham said politely. His tone changed quickly. "But do not be fooled, these are not just any hamsters! These are my FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION! They are very mighty beasts!" He said triumphantly. A few people in the common room gave him weird looks. I was impressed—I didn't really understand what he meant by 'mighty beasts'—all I saw were small, calm hamsters, but whatever.
"Wow!! May I pet them?"
"Hm.. yes, but be very careful." He held them out to me, and I stroked their little heads.
"They're so soft!" I said, grinning.
"Kehehehe. They seem to like you! We should go now." Gundham put the hamsters on his shoulders, and they crawled inside of his Gryffindor scarf.
"Aw, they stay in your scarf? You must have a wonderful bond with them."
He blushed and covered his nose with his scarf, and held the door open for me. "Ha, I wonder why he's embarrassed?"
He showed me to the Great Hall, where we quickly ate breakfast with the others. Then he lead me out into the halls where most of the classrooms were.
"Our fist class is Defense Against the Dark Arts." Said Gundham, looking at our schedule as we be an to walk to class. Because he was assigned with showing me around the school, we had been given all the same classes. "The new teacher for it is Gilderoy Lockhart, I am very excited to learn from such a legend of a man!"
"Oh, so am I! I admire him very much, I can't wait! I love the Dark Arts, it's so interesting! I mean, we get to learn incredible spells, and about evil witches and wizards from the past, oh, and I just find Death Eaters so interesting! Of course I don't like them, ha, but they're cool!" I said.
          "I agree, I have quite an interest in the dark arts, too!"
We came to Professor Lockhart's classroom and sat next to each other, getting our books and quills out of our bags. Once the rest of the class had come, Lockhart strutted up to his desk after wiping off a grinning portrait of himself with a handkerchief. He had curly blonde hair, blue eyes, and a forgetmenot-blue robe.
"Helllooo, students! I," he flipped his robe and held his thumb to his chest, "Am Gilderoy Lockhart, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" He gave us a toothey smile. Next to him was a large cage with a velvet cloth over it, which was shaking aggressively. He leaned against it with his hand on top. "Now, you may be wondering what's in here! What I have in this cage is..." he dramatically whipped away the cloth, revealing an angry looking baby dragon. "A DRAGON!! Now, there's no reason to be scared, I have it 100% under control!! Also, you're all 7th years. But mostly because I've got it." He put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest.
          A collective gasp came from the students. "Wow, a dragon? On the first day? He seems so confident, (maybe a bit cocky, he's different in real life than in his books) it's amazing!" I thought. The rest of the class looked equally excited. Well, except for one Slytherin girl in the back with dark brown hair pulled into two pigtails, held by red scrunchies, who was rolling her eyes. I guess it made sense why—I must admit, if this was my first impression of Lockhart, I'd probably be a bit confused, too.
"Today we will learn what to do if we are faced by a dragon out in the wild! It's a very simple spell- get out your wands-" the class held their wands out in front of them, and Lockhart showed us the wand motion. "Good, everyone! Now, repeat after me- draGONE!"
The class was silent for a moment.
          "'Dragone'..? Is that even a real spell? I've never heard of it..." Gundham muttered to me. He was right, it sounded nothing like an actual spell. Plus, this seemed like something they'd teach us in our 3rd year, not 7th.
"Oh come on, everyone, dragone!" Only a couple people said it, and quietly. A Ravenclaw boy with dark blue hair who was sitting next to the girl with pigtails raised his hand skeptically. "Yes, young Saihara?"
"Uh- Professor, aren't-aren't you supposed to tell us what the spell does?" He asked awkwardly.
"Ah, of course! Silly me! Haha! Gosh, I assumed you'd all understand what it would do based off the name and context. Well, when you aim this spell at a dragon, it will simply fly away! No harm done!"
The whole class looked around awkwardly. We were all thinking the same thing- 'what on earth is this spell supposed to be? And why is this guy so much more cocky than we thought he was?'
At this silence, Lockhart waved his hand dismissively and smiled. "No need for you all to be so scared! I'm here! Now, I'm going to let the dragon out, all of you try to stop it!" He suddenly opened the door, and the baby dragon roared angrily. It flew out of the cage and began circling over the class, roaring and spitting flames this way and that and setting some portraits on the wall on fire. "ACK- COME ON EVERYONE, GET IT- DRAGONE! DRAGONE!!" Lockhart cried, flailing his wand in the direction of the dragon. It didn't react in the slightest. It became clear to the class then that Lockhart very much did not have it under control, and that we would have to handle this ourselves.
          Some students were hiding under their desks, some were running around, one was flipping Lockhart off, and Gundham was holding his arms over his scarf and standing in front of me protectively. Lockhart had quickly retreated, and was now curled up in a ball on the floor. The classroom erupted into screams and shouts, accompanied by the thundering cries of the dragon.
          Thankfully, Hajime seemed to be brave (and fed up) enough to stop it. He stood up tall and aimed his wand at the furious beast.
"Immobulus! Descendo!" He said. The dragon froze in place and slowly returned to the ground, right in front of a panicky looking Lockhart. "Your dragon, sir. Do you 'have it under control' enough to put it in its cage? Or do I have to do that too?" Hajime said snarkily. A few people were giggling.
"....T-thank you, young Hinata. That wasn't necessary though.. I just.. uh.... IT WAS A TEST! Yes, I didn't help because I was testing you! Hahaha!" Lockhart said stupidly. He then attempted to pick the dragon up with his hands and heave it back into the cage.
"Please, Professor." A redheaded Hufflepuff girl stood up and walked up to the dragon and pointed her wand at it. "Wingardium Leviosa." It floated calmly into the cage, and she shut and locked the door.
"......thank you, Koizumi." Lockhart muttered. Koizumi walked briskly back to her desk, smirking at Hajime. "Let's uh... let's read about how to defend yourself from a dragon. Get out my Dark Arts book. Turn to page.. 541."
"Yikes" Gundham whispered to me. I stifled a laugh. Yes, I did admire Lockhart, but the scene that just played out before us was absolutely pathetic.

          We took notes on how to defend against dragons for a few minutes, when I noticed a little orange blob on Gundham and I's desk in the corner of my eye. I looked up and noticed that it was one of his hamsters.
          "Oh- here, one of your hamsters got out of your scarf." I whispered, handing it to him.
          "AHH! BACK AWAY FROM THE BEAST! BE CAREFUL, FOR IT HAS ESCAPED! ITS INTENTS ARE UNKNOWN!" Gundham yelped, making me jump in my seat.
          "Young Tanaka, is there a problem? Don't worry, whatever it is, I'll take care of it!!" Lockhart said excitedly. It was clear he was getting desperate to get his reputation back with the class.
          Gundham delicately picked up the hamster and held it up to his scarf, which it scurried into. "It's alright Professor, one of my Four Dark Devas of Destruction escaped for a moment. No worries, I got him."
          "Tanaka, I hope you know that you aren't allowed to bring your own animals into class. Just us teachers are."
          "It's fine, the Devas are well trained."
          "Did you intend for the hamster to get out?"
          "No, but-"
          "So they're untrained?"
          "NOOO! They are trained, but they are animals, after all, I can't just totally control them." Gundham said, crossing his arms.
          "And at least his animals didn't start multiple fires and terrorize a classroom." I chimed in, pointing to the smokey portraits that the dragon had lit on fire. "All the hamster did was walk on a desk. Not even on our papers! I do not think you should get mad at him." I said, crossing my arms as well.
          Lockhart hesitated, then shrugged and got back to reading from the book as dramatically as possible.
          "Thank you, Sonia." Gundham whispered.
          "Of course!" I replied.
          Then we listened to Lockhert's... amazingly performed tale of how he once killed a whole group of 10 dragons and saved a village. Gundham didn't seem to like this story very much.

          After a very long story from Lockart, the bell finally rang and and he told us the homework, (2 pages on defensive spells against dragons) then we all left as quickly as possible to get to our next classes. "Talk about disappointing.. Eh, I bet the next DA class will be better." I thought. Gundham's face lit up when he checked our schedule again.
          "Care of Magical Creatures!! That's my favorite class, it's amazing! Each week we learn about a new amazing creature, and get to interact with it!" He exclaimed, starting to speed walk through the castle. He was tall, so it was a bit hard to keep up, but I managed, and we raced through the halls and down the stairs, our cloaks flying out behind us.

AN: what did I tell you

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