Chapter 6

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This chapter is very short lol

          Akane waved me over, giving me a mischievous smirk. I went to sit on the couch across from her next to Peko.
          "What is it?" I asked. Akane leaned her elbows on her knees, and gave me that look that says, 'what was that all about?' Or 'I know that funny secret'. But I had no clue what she was referring to. "....what is it?"
          Peko giggled and raised an eyebrow, and Akane spoke up. "What's with you and Guuuundhaam?" She asked teasingly.
          "Um.. we're friends? If you're asking why we were hugging, we're just worried for each other." I said.
          "Just friends? I dunno Sonia, you kinda seem to like him a little~" Said Akane.
           "W-what?? No!! Also, is now really the best time to be accusing people of having crushes??" I sputtered. I didn't like Gundham, where did she get that from?! I wasn't mad, of course, but very confused.
          "I'm just trying to lighten the mood a bit, I guess, I'm sorry." She replied.
          "That makes sense, no worries." I said. There was a pause.
          "Soo, do you like him~?" Cooed Peko.
          "Wha- I just said noo!! Though I will admit he is quite charming, he's ever so very caring and kind, and handsome, and I absolutely love being around him, he's so fun to hang out with and his love for animals is just the sweetest thing-" I caught myself and looked up to see Peko and Akane smiling excitedly at me, both their mouths wide open.
          I thought about it for a moment, and then let out a lighthearted sigh. "A-alright, mayybe I do like him, but just a teensy little bit! I don't know, I'm just so scared for him! What if he gets hurt? And poor Hajime, he and Nagito are dating, I cannot imagine what he's going through right now.."
          "Yeah, I get how you feel, I'm scared for Nekomaru, too." Akane said. "His mom is a muggle, his dad is a wizard. But it must be real tough for you Peko, Fuyuhiko's in Slytherin, you can't see him as much"
          "Yes, it is quite stressful having to be away from him so much more now because of the new rules... And Fuyuhiko has never been the type to particularly enjoy following rules, so there's no knowing what risky stuff he'll do... Both his parents are wizards, but I still worry that something could happen to him. He's just so careless, and anytime I try convincing him to be careful in any situation, he just blows it off. And this is an extremely dangerous situation, and I can't see him until breakfast tomorrow." Peko said.
          "Fuyuhiko seems like a smart, tough boy, he'll be alright." I said. I wasn't so sure if I was telling the truth, or if I was lying to Peko to make her feel better, or myself to make me feel better.
          "That's true, I guess I could loosen up a bit, huh? The teachers will handle it, and Gundham and Nekomaru are tough, too. It'll be ok." Replied Peko.
          "Yes, I hope so.."
          Akane yawned. "I'm pretty tired too, I'm gonna go to bed."
          "So am I, I'll come with you." Peko said, getting up with her. "Sonia, are you coming too?"
          I said yes, and the 3 of us trudged up the stairs into the girl's dorms together. We walked down the row of beds, wishing each other goodnight and to stay safe when we each got to our beds.

           As I lay in my bed in the dark, that warm, happy, welcome feeling that I felt on the first night at Hogwarts was long gone. Now, it was quieter, colder, and a feeling of dread hung in the air. Instead of hearing happy chattering and laughing and music, I heard distressed whispers and cries of girls around me. And instead of smelling warm food on a full stomach and pleasant candle smoke around me, I smelt mildew, which only made my completely empty stomach feel worse. Well, it's not like I would've felt good enough to eat anything, anyways.
             Along with the obvious dread about the Chamber of Secrets, one other thing looked in my mind- Gundham. Did I like him?? I had suspected it a bit before, but I had always brushed it off. And earlier when I said I maybe liked Gundham a bit, I don't give it that much thought. The thought just sort of crossed my mind that I liked him, and I said it. But now that I had so much time to think about it, it was hitting me much harder.
           He was my best friend, we spent every day together, and we both understood each other so well, and got along so well, too. If I was ever in a bad mood, simply looking at him would always be enough to make me feel better. And I always seemed to make him feel happier, too, which would make me happy. He made me feel so safe, and he meant so much to me. He was just so so sweet and lovely, and we were so close... How could I not love him??

          "....did I just think that?"

          Well, yes. I did. I did love him.. a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
          I felt my cheeks getting warm, and noticed that I was smiling. I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes at myself.
          The goofy attitude went as quickly as it came, when I thought about the fact that I really really couldn't bare to lose Gundham. My best friend, and someone I really loved.. I had no idea what I would do if something bad happened to him.
          I guess all I could do was stick to my word and protect him, and just hope for the best.

AN: the next chapter will be decent sized hopefully but ofc it'll probably come out in like a month again lmao-
I'll be in school then,,, I'm so scared aaaaaa
Oh also I might be coming out with an angsty Kaeya and Diluc (not shipping them lmao) fic soon so uh yeah
I know the story is pretty long already, but heads up it's probably gonna be around 12 chapters 😬/gen
6 more to gooo
K thank you for reading have a nice day

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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