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He looked so beautiful while sleeping. Without any care, his mouth was slightly open. I could tell he was dreaming. I wonder what he was dreaming about. If there's one thing to know about Lukas, it's the extremity of his bizarre dreams. From flying octopuses to dancing toilet seats. Imagine the weirdest situation, and I'm pretty sure it would become a part of his dream.He turned to his side some time ago, and that explains his hand on me, but if you're looking for an explanation for why I'm in bed with my best friend in the first place or if you're wondering why am I creeping on him like this, then I have one statement for you, "I have no fucking idea!". I want to run my fingertips over his face, nose, jaw, and don't even get me started on his lips. It's taking everything in me not to press mine against his and melt into his arms. I remind myself, I can't do it.

I must have been starring at his mouth for quite long that I didn't notice he was awake and looking at me. My breath hitches as I meet his eyes which are so intense. I don't know what to say or even how to react. We are so close, our eyes meet, and there is this pull in his gaze that I want to just give in and taste him. But we can't. I see him leaning, his hands around my waist. I hate to do this, but I have to be the adult here, so I put my hands on his chest to stop him; He does. He brings his hand in my hair, leans in, and touches my forehead with his, "I'm proud of you, Jen. You're doing great.". I want to cry, "But it's so difficult, why do I have to be the strong one? You know it's so easy the other way. I don't have to think I can always pretend. It's me and you, Luke. You're here with me. And that's all I need. You belong here. I have tears in my eyes, but they stay put, "Baby, you're doing so well. I want you to move past this and live your life. I want you to be happy, and for that, you need to do this.".

I closed my eyes to stop the tears, taking a deep breath. I stayed like that for few seconds. Feeling close to reality again. I open my eyes, and all I see is darkness. It's then my tears break loose, and I can't stop.

The door of my room open and my parents burst in. I must have been crying too loud. My mom takes me in her arms and lets me cry. Before she could ask me, I cry out, "He is gone maa, he is gone. I will never see him again. Please stop this pain, I can't take this!!", "You're doing better, Jenny. Just let it out. We are here for you. Let it all out, honey." And I cried the whole night for the first time in two months, since that horrible accident. Ever since I lost Luke, my best friend. I refused to believe he was gone, and now that I have accepted that he was and I can't do anything about it but mourn his loss.


I'm sorry about the ending, in my defense, even I did not see that coming. I felt giving a trigger warning would give it away. Should I have? 

Since I wrote this story a year ago, the writing might be immature and I have a feeling it's gonna take to be more professional. As always, if you have any suggestions please let me know. 

PS: The photo is not mine and is taken from Pinterest. If you know how to reference them better, please let me know. 

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