When I had the world with you, almost...

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The soft crunch of the leaves underneath our feet,

the way we walked hands in hands that lazy Sunday afternoon.

I could see the golden of your brown eyes. I know it doesn't make sense, but I was in love.

I was in love with the way the corners of your eyes crinkled when you laughed.

I loved our whispered conversations even when we were the only people in the room.

I was happy to my core. I was radiant, and I could give credit to your love.

Call me crazy, but I feel the sun was brighter, the wind was gentler, and my heartbeat, a tad bit faster.

It was like a raging sea on a stormy night. These feelings could have consumed me without leaving a trace, and I would have been okay with it.

When I write about it, I don't know if it comes off as toxic, but with you, I would have even taken that free fall from the highest cliff into the ocean.

Can you tell me if you remember the swing in our step?

Do you remember the clear blue sky and your arms around me?

Do you remember my smell, because my old sweater on a cold day still reminds me of you?

I still drive back to the bus stop where we took refuge from the rain.

But I don't go back to your street, and I don't go through our messages anymore.

The other day I came across some old photos. I couldn't even recognize us there. So young and innocent.

I recall the day you would not stop looking at me. How our eyes were flirting.

I know you were in love with me, but this is just how our story goes by.

A tale of an almost perfect romance, somehow we kept missing each other.

It was something I could almost touch. Like I almost made it on time, but I had to see the train leave the station before I could catch it.

It is okay though, I would rather have a broken heart than pinning for a person who would not even move a few inches towards me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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