chapter 2 22 hours until banquet Technoblade POV

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I get my pearls and I get a visitor. NIki Niachu. Niki and I have had a positive relationship since she joined the syndicate. "Hey Techno, Hey  Phil, I was just visiting and asking if there's gonna be a meeting anytime soon."  she asked. "Well if anything extreme happens or someone in our meeting becomes in danger there's gonna be one." Phil answered. "Well since your here is there anything you need ,enchantment, books, ores, tools, anything?" I asked her. "Uh I'm good thanks for offering though." she replied . Some time after I get a message from Badboyhalo.  "look look I have your little Ranboo hostage and I'm gonna corrupt him unless you come here. I read out loud. "What!?" Niki Yells out loud. "we got to help him" Phil says "Yea but its probably a trap we're gonna need a plan." I tell the others. "I got this" Phil replies, "Techno will go in first and me and Niki will hide in the wall, Techno will threaten to kill bad  if he doesn't release Ranboo bad will probably say something about being able to out number him" He stated. "Then you and Niki will pop out!" I say." Bingo!" Phil replies "but we need a  signal how about you shoot your crossbow up like you did on doomsday" I say. "Ok" reply Phil and Niki "Alright lets do this" I tell the group

A couple of minutes later

"Niki,Phil,shift." I tell the 2 as they shift. They mine into the wall as I pass the Xp grinder and into the egg room.  I draw my sword "GIVE HIM" " I'm afraid your both coming with me." Badboyhalo says in a evil tone "what's stopping me from jumping you"I say prepared for the plan."This!" Badboyhalo says as a pearl comes out. It's Punz 1 of the other best fighters on the server, or so I have heard .Oh no I'm outnumbered its not like I've been outnumbered before but whatever will I do". I say mockingly. I shoot my crossbow up and Phil and Niki jump down. Ranboo breaks his cage and I give them an old tomato. "So you let Ranboo and the rest of us go OR we stab you guys to death" punz raises his ax but in the back of the room Skeppy says its not worth it. Bad agrees and we get to leave and I tell the others "its meeting time".

(Some more time later)

We enter the meeting room and its time to talk. "Ok" Phil says. "WHAT THE FRICK WAS THAT!?" he continues. "Here I'll explain what happened ." Ranboo says. " MY ender walk got me-"  "ender walk?" Niki asks. Ranboo takes a moment of thought then explains. " You see , you know what sleep walking is right , its like that but different its like a different person from me and most of the time they do bad things. he tells nervously. "Oh it doesn't make sense but ok.."  she replies. "Anyways I was in the area next to the XP grinder and this Hannah person dragged me to the egg room and then bad captured me and you know the rest but the Hannah girl looks like she's only like half infected but I'm not sure now, any way lets talk about this Banquet. "Oh uh I was invited...." Niki says  quietly YOU WERE!?? " Me, Phil, and Ranboo ask "Yea, they might forget I'm with you guys after today hopefully,"  She says worried. "We can use this for intel!" Phil says. "Niki did they ask you to like not bring certain stuff? Ranboo asks. "They said not to bring armor  or weapons." She replies. "Mighty sus" says Phil "Yea this sounds like a trap" I say "Hmm but this could also be a way for us to learn ways to stop the egg." says Phil.  "Its being held in the egg room right? I ask. "yea." she replies.  " I think they are gonna trap you guys in there doesn't the egg infect you based on the amount of time your near it." Phil asks.   "Yea.... Trust me I-I have experience." Ranboo says shivering. "They will probably trap you guys near the egg" Phil says  "Yea...." I reply.    "Maybe we should hide  somewhere in the room like in the walls" Phil.  "Well what if  all the walls get trapped maybe we should in different  spots." I say "Ill tunnel the wall." says Phil. "Ill tunnel underground"  I say.  "Ill do the ceiling I guess" says Ranboo says "2,  4, 6 ,8 who do we appreciate not the EGG LETS GO!" I say and we all laugh

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