-chapter 1-

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-george's pov-
It was a normal day. Nothing interesting ever happened to me but it all changed When I met "him". It was night at exactly 10:17pm or around that time when I was walking around my house out of boredom and with my luck of course, I Accidentally tripped on thin air and I landed on someone I was so Embarrassed, I passed out as i had hit my head pretty hard, though this random person had taken most of the fall It still hurt.

I think a few hours had passed.

I woke up with a major headache, 'how hard had i hit my head..' I soon gained full consciousness, I looked around as i had not recognized this house.
Though it hadn't fully hit me now, I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

Someone had walked into the room i quickly ducked since they looked like they had just gotten out of the shower, i didn't wanna invade anyone's privacy so of course i looked away.

"Oh hey! you're awake!" I now knew it was a guy, "yeah- yeah i'm awake, can i leave now?" I didn't wanna stay here since i most likely was intruding on something. "There's no need to rush-" he cut himself off, "My names clay, You can call me dream though" "clays a nice name.." i whispered underneath my breath, "My names george, just george" I said with a slight smile. "Nice to meet you Just george" he said snickering.

-dreams pov-
I felt like i had known him from what feels like another life.. It's whatever though, I'm probably just going crazy or something.

After my "just george" joke i saw him trying not to laugh, 'he's adorable...' I quickly stopped myself.

I had just met him what was i thinking, This wasn't right in any way shape or form, this is just straight up creepy..

Out of nervousness i started laughing, This was probably creepy to him.

"Dream- Are you alright..?"

"Yeah! totally fine! I just remembered something that happened a few days ago" I said saving myself from complete embarrassment.

"Ah alrighty then- i think i'll be going now i'm sorry for earlier" He got up and began walking to the door, "Oh right- Yeah it's no problem i'll see you around just george" I said walking him to the door.

He nodded, Just as he was about to open the door, the doorbell rang. He opened it for whatever reason.

"Oh hey!" He said, 'huh..?' "George!!" Two voices in sync had yelled his name, "Sapnap? Bad?" They had noticed me, "Eh? where did george go?" bad had said, and he was right george had gone.

"So you guys Knew george and didn't tell me?" they both had skipped the question, and walked into the house doing who knows what.

I sighed, "oh well.."

(alright that's it bye- edited by k0dzuken

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