Flashback 14

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"We all make basic assumptions about things in life, but sometimes those assumptions are WRONG. We must never trust in what we assume, only in what we KNOW."

-Darren Shan-

Excited students began chattering around as they lined up for their first year of Hogsmeade trip. Hermione was bundled up from head to toe in a thick sweater and a Gryffindor scarf. Even with the winter wear, her teeth were still chattering as she ushered Harry and Ron out of Hogwarts quickly and sauntered off to The Three Broomsticks for a warming steaming cup of hot butterbeer.

"Thank goodness!" she shivered, thanking Madame Rosmerta silently as the patron slid her a warm mug of heart-warming treat.

"Tastes like heaven," she moaned in an appreciative manner, much to Harry's amusement. She glanced briefly at a still-sulking Ron.

"For goodness' sake Ron," she sighed, "Don't listen to Slughorn, he's just a wizard who craves popularity instead of their hearts and personality," she added, while Ron mumbled something in return.

"I mean- look at McLaggen!" said Hermione, but grew irritated when she saw Ron looked even sulkier.

"Oh for goodness' sake Ron! It's nothing to do with you- you know what he's like," 

"Easy for you to say," muttered Ron, and Hermione's eyes flashed dangerously at him. 

"Excuse me, Ronald?" she prompted, ignoring Harry's terrified look. 

Her anger managed to finally subside as she rolled her eyes when Harry seemed able to distract him with the topic of quidditch and some not-so-secretive glances at Madame Rosmerta.


Hermione was examining her foamy cup of liquid goodness when her mind began to wander off again, to her little encounter with Ellie earlier this week. Something was not right. Whenever Ellie had visions, her first person to communicate it with was Tonks or her best friend from Beauxbatons Evelyn, who was also undergoing training with her.

It never occurred to her that she was going to Albus Dumbledore. As they were leaving, Hermione was still trapped in her own world as she thought more about the situation.

Something didn't seem right about it.

A shrill scream snapped her from her little day-dream.

She turned pale as she saw Katie Bell writhing in from of her very eyes. Her mouth screaming as her body twisted in sharp agony, she looked horrified.

It became a blur of emotions after that.

Katie's limp body was carried away to the hospital wing, while Hermione tried to comfort Leanne as the older girl told them everything. When they arrived at Hogwarts and brought to be interrogated by McGonagall, that's when Hermione started to piece the puzzles in her head.

"Professor, I think Draco Malfoy might be the one who gave the necklace to Katie," said Harry suddenly, as McGonagall stared at him.

"That is indeed a very serious accusation Potter, especially since if you do not pose all of the evidence," replied McGonagall, as Harry tried to convinced the head of their house even more.

Ron looked hesitant and looked worriedly at his friend, thinking the chosen one might have gone mental.

"If you must know Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy was with me doing detention today because he was missing classes," said the old professor, as Harry snapped his mouth shut.

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