Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV

I'm really excited. Today is visitors day at my high school, UA, and mine and Kaachan's parents are coming to watch us in class. Right now, we're out in the self defense training field, which is something Kaachan and I excel at. UA trains us to be ready for anything, so they make us all take a self defense course. Classes 1-A, my class, 1-B, and a third year class are out on the field right now.

"Alright. Welcome to the UA self defense training area, where we train our students in, well, self defense," my homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, says. This produces a laugh from the crowd of parents and students. "Now before we get started I would—" He gets cut off by his phone. He pulls it out and answers it. As he talks to the person on the phone, he gets more and more panicked. Soon, he hangs up, leaving all of us worried. "Everyone, please follow me, we need to get out of here and somewhere safe. Please head inside the dormitory, which is the closest place we can go to right now." He starts walking and we all go with him. Then a scream sounds. This was start of the End of the World.

For the next several hours, all we heard were screams and odd noises as we made our way to the dorms. Our numbers in people, for some reason, seemed to be dropping. Aizawa, though, stopped for no one, trying to make sure we all made it out. Kaachan's parents and my mom stuck close to me and Kaachan towards the center of the group. Then we saw it, the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. It had disgusting, dried out skin that was a sickly pale bluish color. It had bloodshot eyes and looked slightly decayed. It made these awful groaning sounds that make you wanna pull your ears off. It was what we now call a Biter.

It made it's way towards us as we neared the door. Right now, there was only most of my class, a few adults, and several students left from the other 2 classes. Kaachan's dad, Masaru, neared it, trying to get a closer look, but from as safe a distance as possible.

"Look out!" someone in the distance yelled. Then it bit him. He started writhing, almost like he was having as seizure, then he started moaning, walking oddly slow towards us. "Masaru?" Mitsuki, Kaachan's mom, asked, walking towards him. She reached his hand out and he bit her and started eating it. Mitsuki screamed in agony as she was slowly devoured by her husband. I tried to get my mom to stay, but she didn't listen and tried to save Mitsuki, getting bitten herself. Kaachan had to drag me away from them as Mom and Masaru ate Mitsuki, her screams slowly fading as we entered the building.

After making sure all do the doors, windows, and entrances are locked, Mr. Aizawa does a headcount. Those who were left are Kaachan, me, Uraraka, Iida, Koda, Sato, Shoji, Momo, Jirou, Monoma, Shinsou, Mei, Nejire, Mirio, Tamaki, Shiozaki, Tetsutetsu, Monoma, Kendo, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsu, Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Toshinori, Ms. Nemuri, Mrs. Suzenji and her daughter, Eri, Kota, Mr. Yamada, and Mr. Aizawa. "How did we lose so many people?" he asks. Kaachan and I were the only ones who survived an encounter with the Biters, and since we didn't want to relive that, we stayed quiet. Then Ayano, Mrs. Suzenji's 19 year old daughter, turned on the news. We all sit down in the common room and watch.

"Is this on? Oh okay. Everyone please stay indoors and find whatever you can to hunker down. This is not a drill. A sudden outbreak of a mysterious virus that revives the dead has been released. We have confirmation that if they bite you, you become one of them and that to counter this, an antivirus has been released into the city's water supply, so everyone must drink the tap water. The government has ordered that all citizens make refuge in their homes until they can find you and bring you into a safe zone, located at these spots on the map," the news lady says, pointing to a map behind her. Mina snaps a picture and sends it to the class group chat so everyone has the locations, and adds all the survivors into it that aren't already there.

The news lady continues after a short pause. "Unless it is completely necessary, do not go outdoors. If you do, please find either another place to stay, or try and make your way to a safe zone. These things that are now being called 'Biters' will still eat you, even if you have the antivirus, because they only eat people." There was another pause. "Everyone please stay safe! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The news lady was eaten by Biters. Everyone just stared at the tv before a knock and yelling was heard at the door. We all get up and nervously stand around the door. Shoji, Sato, and Koda stand by Mrs. Suzenji as she opens the door. Mineta, one of the students from our class, lies in the doorway, looking like he's having a seizure. I gasp and start shaking. Kaachan and I are towards the back, but we can see just fine. We start heading towards the front.

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