Game #3 & 4

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We're up against the Cardinals today. We were on the ice pacing around a football and for the first time I have faith in are team.

"Every time you get the puck, you're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver. Talk to him, let him know it's comin'." Coach said to us. "Come on, guys. This isn't a library. Talk to each other." "How you doin'?" he said to Fulton. "You ready?"

"I think so."

"Okay Fulton, shoot your heart out!" Coach said to him dropping a whole entire bin of hockey pucks on the ground. And Fulton did. "One out of five"

"Yeah" I chuckled standing next to Bombay.

We were now huddled up at the benches having a pep talk with the coach. "All right, Let's forget the past. We lost a few games, tough! That was District Five. Now we're the Ducks."

"Yeah" We all agreed.

"And the Ducks... are undefeated."

"All right! Yeah!" "Quack. Quack. Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!" I guess that's are new chant. "Go... Ducks!"

Now we where on the ice paying and our coach was actually engaged. "Defence Karp! Defence! Come on." He shouted and Karp got hit in the head and went down. Coach came out on the ice as Jesse, Peter and I were skating over to them.

"I don't want to go to school today, Mom." He said as coach took his helmet off.

"How many fingers am I holding up?"

"He wouldn't know that anyway!"

"Shut up, Peter. Karp, are you okay?" He said helping Karp up and Avermen came over.

"Look at this. The Karp-ster used his head to stop the puck!"

Now it's time for another pep talk. "Okay, Ducks, we still got a chance here. Connie, Terry, Jesse, Guy, time for the secret weapon."
"Okay, Fulton, remember just like we talked about!" "Go get the face off, line up boys, let's go."

Oh my God we didn't we tied. All we have to do is beat the Huskies and we make the playoffs. I don't know but I think we might be able to do it. We where in the locker room waiting for our next game which is against the Flames. "We're getting a new player, Adam Banks!"

"He's a hawk"

"He's a good player!"

"Yuck" Karp said

"We don't need him"

"I'm the coach and I say we do need him!"

"If we make it to the playoffs he could be a big help"

"If? All of a sudden we're not good enough."

"No, he thinks we're losers. That's what he told Riley" Peter said.

"What?" "We heard what you said."

"You said we were losers,we didn't deserve to live."

"That's not what I meant."

"saw that picture of you missing that goal." "You were a Hawk, weren't you? Guess you guys stick together to the end."

"You know what? I don't need your stinkin'equipment." Peter said as him and Bombay's back and forth argument. He through his stuff on the ground and left. Terry and Jesse both left after him to.

"All right, I'm goin' up to the bench, because that's where I'm supposed to be. Anyone who wants to join me can join me. Anyone who doesn't" Coach said leaving.

"Let's go Grace" Guy said to me.

"Yeah" I agreed

"I am leaving to" Connie said

"So you're leaving, really?" Fulton said to me.

"So you're staying, really?" I mocked him.

"Ugh, I thought you were better then that!" He said as him and Charlie left to go out on the ice.

"OoOo Grace and Fulton in a fight" Avermen

"Shut up" I said as we left.

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