School Detention/ Game #5

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We were sitting in science class learning about hydrogen or something I don't know I don't pay attention. I sit behind Peter. Are teacher went outside to speak with the principal.

"How'd the forfeit go, Spaz-way?" Karp said to Charlie.

"Yeah did you score?" Peter asked

"Leave me alone guys. I don't want to talk about the team." Charlie said

"Oh yeah sure, Coaches per." I said to him.

"Everyone knows he likes you best!" Peter said

"Likes his Mom you mean" Karp said and that pissed Charlie off he pushed Karp and it turned into this whole fight. Then Peter shoved Connie and I that then pissed Fulton and Guy of to shove them. Then everyone started fighting and the principal came in.

"You! Sit! Sit Now! I have never in my life-"

"No one cares" I said to her as she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the hall and told me to wait there. She went back into the classroom and I heard everyone chanting Quack! She yelled some more then stormed out of the classroom and took me to her office.

When we got to the office we sat across from each other. She basically told me I need to stop disrespecting everyone. Then she went to the front office to speak to someone. I sat their having to write: I will not disrespect the principal. I have to write that 100 times. About 20 minutes later their was a knock on the door.

"Hey" It was Coach Bombay

"What do you want?" I questioned with a rude tone.

"I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean what I said it was supposed to be sarcastic. You and the rest of the team aren't losers."

"What about Adam Banks?"

"He can be on the team if he wants to be if not to bad. I got into some trouble with the law and that's why I became your hockey coach and I think it was an amazing mistake, because without that encountering with the law I wouldn't of became the Ducks Coach. Now we can forfeit another game and not make playoffs or we can try to make the playoffs. What do you say?"

"I am in. I wanna make playoffs!"

"Well then let's go." He said as we walked out of the office

"Thank you for saving me from writing I will not disrespect the principal 100 times"

"Nah it's fine just if you talk back to me one for time I'll make you write something like that 150 times" He jokingly said.

"Wow okay"

We walked out to the front of the school where everyone was.

~The Game~

We were in the locker room when coach walked in and following him was Adam Banks.

"Ducks, you all know Adam Banks."

"On behalf of the Ducks, I'd like to say welcome-" Charlie was cut off by Jesse


"Ooh, the Jess-man, dissin' the new guy! The Jess-ster"

"Shut up Avermen" Jesse yelled at him then went onto say "Putin' on a Ducks jersey doesn't mean you're a real duck!" He walked out of the locker room with everyone following him.

The game soon started and Adam kept yelling that he was open and no one would pass to him. I felt really bad so I passed to him. He scored and are team got upset with me for passing it to him though. We went to the bench for a break. "Goldberg, your gonna sit this one out." He said as everyone got angry.

"What? You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?"

"Listen, listen, listen! A tie isn't gonna help us we need a win. Okay, Fulton, you're our extra man. Everybody, get the puck to Fulton. That's your job."

"We pulling the Statue of Liberty play?" Fulton asked


"No, take your shot. You may only get one, so it's gotta be good."

"But coach one outta one?"

"Soft hands, Fulton. Concentration, not strength." Guy said to Fulton and winked at Connie and I.

"Okay, let's get the huskies"

Fulton shot the shot we needed and We won!!!

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